순위는 1년동안, 2016년 기준 만기 근속한 근로자 1115만명 중 나의 연봉순위를 알 수가 있는데요.....참 궁금하면서도 떨리는 순간이네요...뭐 저는 만족합니다^^ 제가 생각하기에 나름 높은 순위가 나와서 기분이 좋네요...하하하하!! 제 주변 지인분들에게도 알려드렸는데 여기저기서 곡소리가 들리네요 ㅠ.ㅠ 좌절에 또 좌절..... 하...... 그래도 괜찮습니다. 우리는 투자를 통해 어떻게든 소득을 높일 수 있으니까요!!! 연봉에 연연해할 필요 없습니다. 연봉보다 더 많은!! 더 높은... 투자 수익률을 올리면 되잖아요!!
어쨋든 연봉탐색기 2019는 연봉 순위 뿐만 아니라 연봉과 관련된 다양한 정보를 알려주는 서비스가 제공이 된다고 합니다.
연봉탐색기 2019의 기능 | |
실제로 내는 세금계산 | 소득공제가 늘어나면 증가하는 환급액 |
절세비율 | 연봉에 맞는 신용카드와 기부금, 의료비 공제한도와 세테크 팁 |
연봉에 맞는 각종 세테크팁 | 연말정산 꼼꼼히 체크 |
연봉에서 빠져나가는 공제항목의 분포 및 금액 분석 | 세율이 상승하는 연봉 계산 |
한계세율 계산 | |
합리적인 지출계획을 세우려는 직장인들에게 도움이 될것으로 보입니다. 정말 필요한 프로그램이 아닐 수 없네요. 정부나 각종 기관에서 발표하는 근로실태조사 등 연봉정보는 연도중 입사,퇴사자가 포함돼 있어 연봉정보에 왜곡이 있는데, 이번 연봉탐색기 2019는 좀더 객관적인 연봉 정보로 납세자권리 의식 향상에 기여할것으로 보이네요!!
연초인 1월, 자신의 연봉에서 실수령 예상액을 확인해 합리적인 소비지출을 계획하시고, 연말 정신을 앞둔 직장인들에게는 내 연봉에 맞는 세테크 팀을 통해 올해 환급액을 늘려보시길 바랍니다.
연봉탐색기 2019 보러가기. |
bmkim 4300 Views
만근자 1115만명 중 나의 연봉순위를 알려주는 <연봉탐색기 2019> 서비스 개시
본인의 연봉만 입력하면 전체 근로자 중에서 나의 순위를 알려주는 ‘연봉탐색기 2019’가 드디어 1월 10일 탄생했다. 지난 2017년 1월에 처음 선보여 선풍적인 인기를 끌었던 ‘연봉탐색기’의 최신버전입니다.
새로 업그레이드된 ‘연봉탐색기 2019’의 연봉순위에 이용된 데이터는 신규 입사자나 중도 퇴사자를 제외한 1년 만근 근로자만을 기준으로 측정하여 정확도가 매우 높습니다.,
납세자연맹이 2017년에 처음 만든 연봉탐색기는 연말정산을 한 근로자 1668만명에 대한 290개구간의 자료를 이용하여 당시로써도 획기적인 서비스가 가능했습니다. 하지만 해당기간 중 퇴사자와 신규입사자 등 약 600만명 이상이 포함되어서 실제 연봉 순위보다 높게 산정되는 문제가 있었습니다.
이번 연봉탐색기는 2017년 국정감사때 김승희 국회의원이 국민보험공단으로부터 받은 통계자료를 입수하여 재가공 과정을 거쳐 1년 만근한 근로자의 연봉데이타를 구축해 순위를 매겼습니다.
특히 연봉순위 이외에 제공되는 연말정산 정보들은 1000개 구간으로 세분화된 근로자의 소득자료를 활용해 신뢰도가 더욱 향상되었습니다.
“연봉순위+실수령액과 공제액+절세비율+세테크팁 등” 9가지 정보 한번에!
<연봉탐색기 2019>는 근로자 본인의 연봉을 입력하면 연봉순위는 물론 여기에 입력된 연봉데이타를 근거로 세금 등을 제외한 내 연봉의 실수령액과 내 연봉에서 빠져나가는 공제항목의 분포 및 금액을 분석해 줍니다. 또 내 연봉이 100만원 인상되었다고 가정했을 때 실제 나의 몫과 국가 가져가는 몫이 얼마인지 알려줍니다.
특히 <연봉탐색기 2019>는 본인의 절세비율을 계산해 줌으로써 소득공제가 늘어나면 환급액이 얼마나 증가하는지, 또 세율이 한 단계 상승하는 나의 연봉은 얼마인지 계산해 줍니다.
이에 더해 <연봉탐색기 2019>는 연말정산을 꼼꼼하게 챙길 수 있도록 내 연봉에 맞는 신용카드와 기부금, 의료비에 대한 공제한도와 세테크 팁을 제공해 줍니다.
연맹의 연봉탐색기외에도 정부나 각종 기관에서도 근로실태조사 등 연봉정보를 발표하지만 연도중 입사·퇴사자가 포함되어 있어 연봉 정보에 왜곡이 있는 것이 사실입니다.
<연봉탐색기 2019>는 보다 정확한 연봉순위를 통해 근로자 본인의 세금을 좀더 객관적으로 보여줘 납세자권리 의식을 향상시키는데 기여할 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.
또한 연봉탐색기는 연초, 자신의 올해 연봉에서 실수령 예상액을 확인하여 합리적인 소비지출을 계획하는데 도움이 될뿐만 아니라 연말정산을 앞둔 직장인에게는 내 연봉에 맞는 세테크 팁을 통해 올해 환급액을 늘릴 수 있을 것입니다.
연봉탐색기 2019의 많이 이용해주세요~ 주위에도 많이 퍼트려주세요
연봉탐색기 바로가기
PC용 http://koreatax.org/tax/taxpayers/salary4/salary.php
모바일용 http://www.koreatax.org/taxboard/m/calcu/salary4/salary.php
만근자 1115만명 중 나의 연봉순위를 알려주는 <연봉탐색기 2019> 서비스 개시
본인의 연봉만 입력하면 전체 근로자 중에서 나의 순위를 알려주는 ‘연봉탐색기 2019’가 드디어 1월 10일 탄생했다. 지난 2017년 1월에 처음 선보여 선풍적인 인기를 끌었던 ‘연봉탐색기’의 최신버전입니다.
새로 업그레이드된 ‘연봉탐색기 2019’의 연봉순위에 이용된 데이터는 신규 입사자나 중도 퇴사자를 제외한 1년 만근 근로자만을 기준으로 측정하여 정확도가 매우 높습니다.,
납세자연맹이 2017년에 처음 만든 연봉탐색기는 연말정산을 한 근로자 1668만명에 대한 290개구간의 자료를 이용하여 당시로써도 획기적인 서비스가 가능했습니다. 하지만 해당기간 중 퇴사자와 신규입사자 등 약 600만명 이상이 포함되어서 실제 연봉 순위보다 높게 산정되는 문제가 있었습니다.
이번 연봉탐색기는 2017년 국정감사때 김승희 국회의원이 국민보험공단으로부터 받은 통계자료를 입수하여 재가공 과정을 거쳐 1년 만근한 근로자의 연봉데이타를 구축해 순위를 매겼습니다.
특히 연봉순위 이외에 제공되는 연말정산 정보들은 1000개 구간으로 세분화된 근로자의 소득자료를 활용해 신뢰도가 더욱 향상되었습니다.
“연봉순위+실수령액과 공제액+절세비율+세테크팁 등” 9가지 정보 한번에!
<연봉탐색기 2019>는 근로자 본인의 연봉을 입력하면 연봉순위는 물론 여기에 입력된 연봉데이타를 근거로 세금 등을 제외한 내 연봉의 실수령액과 내 연봉에서 빠져나가는 공제항목의 분포 및 금액을 분석해 줍니다. 또 내 연봉이 100만원 인상되었다고 가정했을 때 실제 나의 몫과 국가 가져가는 몫이 얼마인지 알려줍니다.
특히 <연봉탐색기 2019>는 본인의 절세비율을 계산해 줌으로써 소득공제가 늘어나면 환급액이 얼마나 증가하는지, 또 세율이 한 단계 상승하는 나의 연봉은 얼마인지 계산해 줍니다.
이에 더해 <연봉탐색기 2019>는 연말정산을 꼼꼼하게 챙길 수 있도록 내 연봉에 맞는 신용카드와 기부금, 의료비에 대한 공제한도와 세테크 팁을 제공해 줍니다.
연맹의 연봉탐색기외에도 정부나 각종 기관에서도 근로실태조사 등 연봉정보를 발표하지만 연도중 입사·퇴사자가 포함되어 있어 연봉 정보에 왜곡이 있는 것이 사실입니다.
<연봉탐색기 2019>는 보다 정확한 연봉순위를 통해 근로자 본인의 세금을 좀더 객관적으로 보여줘 납세자권리 의식을 향상시키는데 기여할 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.
또한 연봉탐색기는 연초, 자신의 올해 연봉에서 실수령 예상액을 확인하여 합리적인 소비지출을 계획하는데 도움이 될뿐만 아니라 연말정산을 앞둔 직장인에게는 내 연봉에 맞는 세테크 팁을 통해 올해 환급액을 늘릴 수 있을 것입니다.
연봉탐색기 2019의 많이 이용해주세요~ 주위에도 많이 퍼트려주세요
연봉탐색기 바로가기
PC용 http://koreatax.org/tax/taxpayers/salary4/salary.php
모바일용 http://www.koreatax.org/taxboard/m/calcu/salary4/salary.php
bmkim 4402 Views
연봉탐색기 2019, 나의 연봉순위 꼭 이래야 했나?
도대체 왜 이런 걸 만들었을까?
연봉순위를 왜 알아야 하며, 아는 순간 기쁨을 느낄 사람은 과연 얼마나 될까?
실검에 뜬 연봉검색기, 그리고 한국납세자연맹이란 단어를 보면서 내용을 서둘러 파악했다. 씁쓸하기 짝이 없다.
한국납세자 연맹은 사실 좋은 의도로 만든듯하다. 다만 연봉순위만 제외하곤.
실수령액, 공제 항목, 지출액, 기부금, 의료비 공제 등 꼭 알아야 할 부분을 잘 정리해둔 건 사실이다. 필요하다. 아주 필요하다.
그런데 굳이 상대적 박탈감을 불러일으킬게 뻔한 연봉순위는 도대체 왜?
현실은 이렇다.
연봉의 문제를 넘어 취업도 쉽지 않다. 그렇다고 아무 데나 취업을 할 순 없지만 애써 연봉의 아쉬움은 달래며 다니는 사람이 더 많다.
당연히 대기업, 금융 분야에 종사하는 이들의 연봉이 더 높다. 얼마 전 국민은행 총파업에서 적잖은 국민들이 자괴감을 느낀 이유는 이미 연봉도 많은데 왜 불편을 주느냐였다. 민주노총의 파업 등 이제 사람들은 그러려니 하고 바라보진 않는다.
안 그래도 대기업 위주의 취업 문화가 중소기업을 힘들게 하고 엉뚱하게 실업률만 높이는 상황에서 연봉 비교는 굳이 해야 할 필요가 있었을까?
그렇다고 이직이 쉬운 것도 아니다. 연봉이 작다고 많이 주는 데로 쉽게 옮길 수 있으면 모를까 그게 전혀 아닌데....
결국은 자괴감 들게 만들고 박탈감만 든다.
얼마 전 고3 수험생들은 시험을 치렀고 성적순에 따라 대학을 진학하거나 원서를 접수했다.
12년간의 공부 끝에 서열에 의한 줄 서기가 시작된 거다. 그런데 사회에 나오면 이렇게 또 연봉 순위로?
이건 정말 아니지 싶다.
지금이라도 늦지 않았다. 연봉탐색기의 취지는 매우 좋지만 연봉순위는 아니지 싶다.
나의 연봉순위....아니지 않나?ㅠ.ㅠ
사르트르의 말처럼 '인간은 타인의 시선에서 지옥을 경험한다.'고 한다.
즉 지금 상태로 충분히 행복을 느낄 수 있음에도 타인의 시선과 비교를 통해 스스로 불행에 빠뜨린다는 의미다.
연봉탐색기 2019가 그렇게 만드는 건 아닌지....
한국납세자연맹은 지금이라도 얼른 연봉순위 부분은 내렸으면 싶다.
1억짜리 연봉이 1억의 행복을 주는 건 아닐 테고,
연봉순위 1등이 가장 행복할리도 없을 터.
제발.... 내리기를...
연봉탐색기 2019, 나의 연봉순위 꼭 이래야 했나?
도대체 왜 이런 걸 만들었을까?
연봉순위를 왜 알아야 하며, 아는 순간 기쁨을 느낄 사람은 과연 얼마나 될까?
실검에 뜬 연봉검색기, 그리고 한국납세자연맹이란 단어를 보면서 내용을 서둘러 파악했다. 씁쓸하기 짝이 없다.
한국납세자 연맹은 사실 좋은 의도로 만든듯하다. 다만 연봉순위만 제외하곤.
실수령액, 공제 항목, 지출액, 기부금, 의료비 공제 등 꼭 알아야 할 부분을 잘 정리해둔 건 사실이다. 필요하다. 아주 필요하다.
그런데 굳이 상대적 박탈감을 불러일으킬게 뻔한 연봉순위는 도대체 왜?
현실은 이렇다.
연봉의 문제를 넘어 취업도 쉽지 않다. 그렇다고 아무 데나 취업을 할 순 없지만 애써 연봉의 아쉬움은 달래며 다니는 사람이 더 많다.
당연히 대기업, 금융 분야에 종사하는 이들의 연봉이 더 높다. 얼마 전 국민은행 총파업에서 적잖은 국민들이 자괴감을 느낀 이유는 이미 연봉도 많은데 왜 불편을 주느냐였다. 민주노총의 파업 등 이제 사람들은 그러려니 하고 바라보진 않는다.
안 그래도 대기업 위주의 취업 문화가 중소기업을 힘들게 하고 엉뚱하게 실업률만 높이는 상황에서 연봉 비교는 굳이 해야 할 필요가 있었을까?
그렇다고 이직이 쉬운 것도 아니다. 연봉이 작다고 많이 주는 데로 쉽게 옮길 수 있으면 모를까 그게 전혀 아닌데....
결국은 자괴감 들게 만들고 박탈감만 든다.
얼마 전 고3 수험생들은 시험을 치렀고 성적순에 따라 대학을 진학하거나 원서를 접수했다.
12년간의 공부 끝에 서열에 의한 줄 서기가 시작된 거다. 그런데 사회에 나오면 이렇게 또 연봉 순위로?
이건 정말 아니지 싶다.
지금이라도 늦지 않았다. 연봉탐색기의 취지는 매우 좋지만 연봉순위는 아니지 싶다.
나의 연봉순위....아니지 않나?ㅠ.ㅠ
사르트르의 말처럼 '인간은 타인의 시선에서 지옥을 경험한다.'고 한다.
즉 지금 상태로 충분히 행복을 느낄 수 있음에도 타인의 시선과 비교를 통해 스스로 불행에 빠뜨린다는 의미다.
연봉탐색기 2019가 그렇게 만드는 건 아닌지....
한국납세자연맹은 지금이라도 얼른 연봉순위 부분은 내렸으면 싶다.
1억짜리 연봉이 1억의 행복을 주는 건 아닐 테고,
연봉순위 1등이 가장 행복할리도 없을 터.
제발.... 내리기를...
bmkim 4199 Views
안녕하세요! 여러분의 취업 도우미 입니다!
오늘의 포스팅은 바로 한국 납세자 연맹에서 개발한 '연봉탐색기2019'입니다!
연봉탐색기2019는 자신의 연봉을 입력하면 전체 근로자 중 순위가 어떻게 되는지 알려주는 시스템인데요!
마음에 드는 회사가 있는데 '회사에서 소개한 이 연봉이면 실 수령액은 얼마일까? 세금은 얼마나 내지?'
라는 생각이 들때 한 번 이용해 보시는것 좋을것 같아요!
만기근속한 근로자 1115만명 중에 나의 연봉순위 및 연봉봉과 관련된 다양한 정보를 알려준다고 합니다!
그럼 무엇을 알수 있는지 먼저 설명해 드리도록 하겠습니다!
첫째, 본인의 연봉순위
둘째, 세금 등을 제외한 본인 연봉의 실수령액
셋째, 본인 연봉에서 빠져나가는 공제항목 분포와 금액
넷째, 연봉이 100만원 인상되었을 때 본인의 몫
다섯째, 소득공제가 늘어나면 환급액은 얼마나 증가하는지
여섯째, 세율이 한 단계 상승하는 본인의 연봉
일곱째. 신용카드 공제문턱, 카드공제를 최대로 받기 위한 나의 지출액
여덟째, 종교단체와 기타 지정기부금 최고한도
아홉째, 의료비 공제문턱과 의료비 최고한도를 받기 위한 지출액
이렇게 연봉탐색이 2019에서 알려 주는 정보에 대해서 알아보았는데요!
그렇다면 연봉계산기 하는 방법에대해서 설명해드리겠습니다!
먼저, 한국납세자연맹에 들어가겠습니다!
이렇게 들어갔으면 다음은 세테크계산기를 눌러 연말정산계산기의 연봉탐색기를 클릭합니다!
여기서 tip
을 하나 드리자면
연봉탐색을 하기전에 한국납세자연맹에 회원가입을 꼭! 해야된다는점!
회원가임을 해야지 연봉탐색이 되더라구요!!ㅠㅠ
그런 다음 연봉탐색기가 알려주는 정보를 조금 읽어준다음
'다음'버튼을 누르면
이러한 화면이 뜹니다! 화면에 연봉의 액수를 입력한 다음 확인하기 버튼을 누르면 끝!
연봉탐색기 외에도 연말정산이나 맞벌이부부절세, 취득세 등 다양한 납세관련 정보가 있으니
한번 이용해보시면 좋을것 같아요!
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2017 한국 대학 순위 - Korean University Ranking
Rank | University | Location |
1 | Seoul National University | Seoul ... |
2 | KAIST | Daejeon |
3 | Korea University | Seoul |
4 | Yonsei University | Seoul |
5 | Hanyang University | Seoul ... |
6 | Pusan National University | Busan |
7 | Ewha Womans University | Seoul |
8 | Pohang University of Science and Technology | Pohang |
9 | Chung-Ang University | Seoul |
10 | Sungkyunkwan University | Seoul ... |
11 | Sogang University | Seoul |
12 | Hankuk University of Foreign Studies | Seoul |
13 | Kangwon National University | Chuncheon |
14 | Konkuk University | Seoul |
15 | Kyung Hee University | Seoul ... |
16 | Ajou University | Suweon |
17 | Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology | Eonyang |
18 | Yeungnam University | Gyeongsan |
19 | Soongsil University | Seoul |
20 | Inha University | Incheon |
21 | Sejong University | Seoul |
22 | Sookmyung Women's University | Seoul |
23 | Hongik University | Seoul |
24 | Dongguk University | Seoul ... |
25 | Hallym University | Chuncheon |
26 | Pukyong National University | Busan |
27 | Kookmin University | Seoul |
28 | Dankook University | Yongin ... |
29 | Handong Global University | Pohang |
30 | University of Seoul | Seoul |
31 | Gyeongsang National University | Jinju |
32 | Chungnam National University | Daejeon |
33 | Kwangwoon University | Seoul |
34 | Korea Polytechnic University | Siheung |
35 | University of Ulsan | Ulsan |
36 | Myongji University | Yongin |
37 | Kyonggi University | Suweon |
38 | Chonnam National University | Gwangju ... |
39 | Inje University | Gimhae |
40 | Dong-A University | Busan |
41 | Kunsan National University | Gunsan |
42 | Seoul National University of Science and Technology | Seoul |
43 | Chonbuk National University | Jeonju |
44 | Gachon University | Seongnam |
45 | Chungbuk National University | Cheongju |
46 | Jeju National University | Jeju |
47 | Hannam University | Daejeon |
48 | Chosun University | Gwangju |
49 | Soonchunhyang University | Asan |
50 | Daegu University | Gyeongsan |
51 | Kumoh National University of Technology | Gumi |
52 | University of Incheon | Incheon |
53 | Pai Chai University | Daejeon |
54 | Seokyeong University | Seoul |
55 | The Catholic University of Korea | Seoul |
56 | Seoul Women's University | Seoul |
57 | The University of Suwon | Hwaseong |
58 | Silla University | Busan |
59 | Sangmyung University | Seoul ... |
60 | Busan University of Foreign Studies | Busan |
61 | Korea Aerospace University | Goyang |
62 | Kyungnam University | Masan |
63 | Dongseo University | Busan |
64 | Kongju National University | Gong |
65 | Dong-Eui University | Busan |
66 | Dongshin University | Naju |
67 | Mokwon University | Daejeon |
68 | Korea University of Technology and Education | Cheonan |
69 | Hanbat National University | Daejeon |
70 | Sun Moon University | Asan |
71 | Changwon National University | Changwon |
72 | Andong National University | Andong |
73 | Sungshin Women's University | Seoul |
74 | Keimyung University | Daegu |
75 | Dongduk Women's University | Seoul |
76 | Kyungsung University | Busan |
77 | Konyang University | Nonsan |
78 | Catholic University of Daegu | Gyeongsan ... |
79 | Hansung University | Seoul |
80 | Mokpo National University | Muan-gun |
81 | Youngsan University | Yangsan ... |
82 | CHA University | Pocheon |
83 | Hoseo University | Asan |
84 | Jeonju University | Jeonju |
85 | Duksung Women's University | Seoul |
86 | Daejin University | Pocheon |
87 | Sunchon National University | Suncheon |
88 | Wonkwang University | Iksan |
89 | Sungkonghoe University | Seoul |
90 | Sahmyook University | Seoul |
91 | Korea Maritime and Ocean University | Busan |
92 | Kaya University | Goryeong-gun |
93 | Korean National University of Arts | Seoul |
94 | Korea National University of Education | Cheongju |
95 | Chongshin University | Seoul |
96 | Kyungpook National University | Daegu |
97 | Kyungil University | Gyeongsan |
98 | Eulji University | Seongnam ... |
99 | Woosong University | Daejeon |
100 | Woosuk University | Wanju-gun |
101 | Hanseo University | Seosan |
102 | Sehan University | Yeongam-gun |
103 | Namseoul University | Cheonan |
104 | Hanshin University | Osan |
105 | Kangnam University | Yongin |
106 | Sangji University | Wonju |
107 | Yong-In University | Yongin |
108 | Hansei University | Gunpo |
109 | Korea Baptist Theological University | Daejeon |
110 | Korea National University of Transportation | Chungju |
111 | Tongmyung University | Busan |
112 | Honam University | Gwangju |
113 | Joongbu University | Geumsan |
114 | Gangneung-Wonju National University | Gangneung |
115 | Anyang University | Anyang |
116 | Catholic Kwandong University | Gangneung |
117 | Gwangju University | Gwangju |
118 | Baekseok University | Cheonan ... |
119 | Seowon University | Cheongju |
120 | Chugye University for the Arts | Seoul |
121 | Chungwoon University | Hongseong |
122 | Semyung University | Jecheon |
123 | Daejeon University | Daejeon |
124 | Korea Nazarene University | Cheonan |
125 | Howon University | Gunsan |
126 | Seoul National University of Education | Seoul |
127 | Nambu University | Gwangju |
128 | Kosin University | Busan |
129 | Dongyang University | Punggi |
130 | Kyungwoon University | Gumi |
131 | Sungkyul University | Anyang |
132 | Mokpo National Maritime University | Mokpo |
133 | Gyeongin National University of Education | Incheon ... |
134 | Daegu Haany University | Gyeongsan |
135 | Cheongju University | Cheongju |
136 | Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology | Jinju |
137 | Pyeongtaek University | Pyeongtaek |
138 | Far East University | Gamgok |
139 | Hankyong National University | Anseong |
140 | Kwangju Women's University | Gwangju |
141 | Seoul Theological University | Bucheon |
142 | Youngdong University | Yeongdong-gun |
143 | Halla University | Wonju |
144 | Catholic University of Pusan | Busan |
145 | Gyeongju University | Gyeongju |
146 | Gongju National University of Education | Gongju |
147 | Uiduk University | Gyeongju |
148 | Kyungdong University | Goseong-gun |
149 | Daegu National University of Education | Daegu |
150 | Korea Christian University | Seoul |
151 | Chuncheon National University of Education | Chuncheon |
152 | Busan National University of Education | Yeonje |
153 | Seonam University | Namwon |
154 | Gwangju National University of Education | Gwangju |
155 | Chodang University | Muan |
156 | Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary | Seoul |
157 | Hyupsung University | Hwaseong |
158 | Korea National Sport University | Seoul |
159 | Chinju National University of Education | Jinju |
160 | Geumgang University | Nonsan |
161 | Jeju International University | Seogwipo |
162 | Incheon Catholic University | Ganghwa |
163 | Jeonju National University of Education | Jeonju |
164 | Busan Women's College | Busan |
165 | Korean Bible University | Seoul |
166 | International University of Korea | Jinju |
167 | Daegu Arts University | Chilgok-gun |
168 | Seoul Christian University | Seoul |
169 | Jungwon University | Goesan |
170 | Hanzhong University | Donghae |
171 | Luther Theological University | Yongin |
172 | Kkottongnae Hyundo University of Social Welfare | Cheongwon |
173 | Seoul Jangsin University and Theological Seminary | Gwangju |
174 | Cheongju National University of Education | Cheongju |
175 | Calvin University | Yongin |
176 | Yewon Arts University | Imsil-gun |
177 | Busan Presbyterian University | Gimhae |
178 | Kwangshin University | Gwangju |
179 | Hanlyo University | Gwangyang |
180 | Youngnam Theological University and Seminary | Gyeongsan |
181 | Catholic University of Daejeon | Yeongi-gun |
182 | Mokpo Catholic University | Mokpo |
183 | Daegu University of Foreign Studies | Gyeongsan |
184 | Suwon Catholic University | Hwaseong |
185 | Joongang Sangha University | Gunpo |
186 | Jesus University | Jeonju |
187 | Gwangju Catholic University | Naju |
188 | Youngsan University of Son Studies | Yeonggwang-gun |
189 | Daeshin University | Gyeongsan |
190 | Shingyeong University | Hwaseong |
191 | Holy City University | Cheonan |
bmkim 6409 Views
미국 대학 순위 2017 - US University Ranking 2017
Rank | University | Location |
1 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Cambridge |
2 | Harvard University | Cambridge |
3 | Stanford University | Stanford ... |
4 | University of California, Berkeley | Berkeley ... |
5 | Cornell University | Ithaca |
6 | University of Michigan | Ann Arbor ... |
7 | University of Washington | Seattle ... |
8 | Columbia University in the City of New York | New York City |
9 | Purdue University | West Lafayette |
10 | The University of Texas at Austin | Austin |
11 | Penn State University | University Park ... |
12 | University of Pennsylvania | Philadelphia |
13 | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Madison |
14 | University of California, Los Angeles | Los Angeles ... |
15 | University of Minnesota | Minneapolis ... |
16 | Princeton University | Princeton |
17 | New York University | New York City ... |
18 | Yale University | New Haven |
19 | Carnegie Mellon University | Pittsburgh ... |
20 | University of Southern California | Los Angeles |
21 | Michigan State University | East Lansing |
22 | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Champaign ... |
23 | University of Chicago | Chicago |
24 | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Chapel Hill |
25 | University of California, San Diego | San Diego ... |
26 | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey | New Brunswick ... |
27 | University of Maryland | College Park |
28 | University of Florida | Gainesville |
29 | Duke University | Durham |
30 | University of Virginia | Charlottesville ... |
31 | Texas A&M University | College Station |
32 | Arizona State University | Tempe ... |
33 | University of California, Davis | Davis ... |
34 | University of Colorado Boulder | Boulder |
35 | University of California, Irvine | Irvine ... |
36 | University of Arizona | Tucson |
37 | Johns Hopkins University | Baltimore ... |
38 | Boston University | Boston ... |
39 | Indiana University Bloomington | Bloomington |
40 | North Carolina State University | Raleigh |
41 | The Ohio State University | Columbus ... |
42 | Northwestern University | Evanston ... |
43 | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University | Blacksburg |
44 | University of Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh ... |
45 | The University of Utah | Salt Lake City |
46 | California Institute of Technology | Pasadena |
47 | Georgia Institute of Technology | Atlanta |
48 | University of California, Santa Barbara | Santa Barbara ... |
49 | University of Georgia | Athens |
50 | Washington University in St. Louis | St. Louis |
51 | Tufts University | Medford |
52 | University of Iowa | Iowa City ... |
53 | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Amherst |
54 | Oregon State University | Corvallis ... |
55 | Iowa State University of Science and Technology | Ames |
56 | Georgetown University | Washington |
57 | University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Lincoln |
58 | George Mason University | Fairfax |
59 | Florida State University | Tallahassee ... |
60 | George Washington University | Washington ... |
61 | Brown University | Providence |
62 | University at Buffalo, State University of New York | Buffalo ... |
63 | Vanderbilt University | Nashville |
64 | Colorado State University | Fort Collins |
65 | Washington State University | Pullman |
66 | University of Oregon | Eugene ... |
67 | Georgia State University | Atlanta |
68 | Brigham Young University | Provo |
69 | Rice University | Houston |
70 | University of Houston | Houston |
71 | Emory University | Atlanta |
72 | University of Delaware | Newark |
73 | University of Notre Dame | Notre Dame |
74 | Dartmouth College | Hanover |
75 | University of South Florida | Tampa ... |
76 | University of Rochester | Rochester |
77 | University of California, Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz ... |
78 | University of Kentucky | Lexington |
79 | University of Missouri | Columbia |
80 | University of Illinois at Chicago | Chicago ... |
81 | University of California, San Francisco | San Francisco ... |
82 | The University of Tennessee, Knoxville | Knoxville ... |
83 | Rochester Institute of Technology | Rochester |
84 | University of California, Riverside | Riverside ... |
85 | University of Connecticut | Storrs ... |
86 | University of New Mexico | Albuquerque |
87 | University of Kansas | Lawrence ... |
88 | Temple University | Philadelphia ... |
89 | San Diego State University | San Diego ... |
90 | University of South Carolina | Columbia ... |
91 | Boston College | Chestnut Hill |
92 | University of Central Florida | Orlando ... |
93 | University of North Texas | Denton ... |
94 | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | Troy ... |
95 | Syracuse University | Syracuse |
96 | The University of Oklahoma | Norman ... |
97 | University of Vermont | Burlington |
98 | University of Miami | Coral Gables ... |
99 | California State University, Northridge | Northridge |
100 | Drexel University | Philadelphia |
101 | Louisiana State University | Baton Rouge |
102 | University of Cincinnati | Cincinnati |
103 | Fordham University | The Bronx ... |
104 | Utah State University | Logan ... |
105 | Virginia Commonwealth University | Richmond |
106 | Florida International University | Miami |
107 | San José State University | San José |
108 | Clemson University | Clemson |
109 | University of New Hampshire | Durham ... |
110 | American University | Washington |
111 | San Francisco State University | San Francisco |
112 | The University of Texas at Dallas | Richardson |
113 | Portland State University | Portland |
114 | West Virginia University | Morgantown ... |
115 | Auburn University | Auburn |
116 | The University of Tennessee at Martin | Martin ... |
117 | Oklahoma State University | Stillwater ... |
118 | The University of Alabama | Tuscaloosa ... |
119 | Kent State University | Kent ... |
120 | Case Western Reserve University | Cleveland |
121 | University at Albany, State University of New York | Albany |
122 | Baylor University | Waco |
123 | California State University, Fullerton | Fullerton ... |
124 | Stony Brook University | Stony Brook |
125 | Wayne State University | Detroit |
126 | Michigan Technological University | Houghton |
127 | University of Maryland, Baltimore County | Baltimore |
128 | Texas Tech University | Lubbock |
129 | Loyola University Chicago | Chicago |
130 | Brandeis University | Waltham |
131 | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo | San Luis Obispo |
132 | Northern Illinois University | DeKalb |
133 | Tulane University | New Orleans |
134 | University of Arkansas | Fayetteville |
135 | Montana State University | Bozeman |
136 | University of Idaho | Moscow |
137 | University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee | Milwaukee |
138 | University of Alabama at Birmingham | Birmingham |
139 | Northern Arizona University | Flagstaff ... |
140 | Western Michigan University | Kalamazoo |
141 | Southern Methodist University | Dallas |
142 | The University of Texas at Arlington | Arlington |
143 | University of Missouri-Kansas City | Kansas City |
144 | California State University, Long Beach | Long Beach |
145 | New Mexico State University | Las Cruces |
146 | Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis | Indianapolis |
147 | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Las Vegas |
148 | University of Rhode Island | Kingston ... |
149 | University of Nevada, Reno | Reno |
150 | Northeastern University | Boston |
151 | Kansas State University | Manhattan ... |
152 | Swarthmore College | Swarthmore |
153 | Mississippi State University | Mississippi State ... |
154 | Illinois Institute of Technology | Chicago |
155 | The New School | New York City |
156 | Ohio University | Athens ... |
157 | Liberty University | Lynchburg |
158 | Oregon Health & Science University | Portland ... |
159 | Binghamton University, State University of New York | Vestal |
160 | College of William & Mary | Williamsburg |
161 | California State University, Sacramento | Sacramento |
162 | Santa Clara University | Santa Clara |
163 | University of Denver | Denver |
164 | DePaul University | Chicago |
165 | Florida Atlantic University | Boca Raton ... |
166 | James Madison University | Harrisonburg |
167 | Worcester Polytechnic Institute | Worcester |
168 | Saint Louis University | St. Louis ... |
169 | University of Wyoming | Laramie |
170 | Wake Forest University | Winston Salem |
171 | Marquette University | Milwaukee |
172 | University of North Carolina at Charlotte | Charlotte |
173 | Ball State University | Muncie |
174 | Lehigh University | Bethlehem |
175 | University of Louisville | Louisville ... |
176 | Nova Southeastern University | Fort Lauderdale ... |
177 | University of Alaska Fairbanks | Fairbanks ... |
178 | University of Mississippi | University |
179 | California State University, Chico | Chico |
180 | The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center | Houston |
181 | Southern Illinois University Carbondale | Carbondale ... |
182 | New Jersey Institute of Technology | Newark |
183 | California State Polytechnic University, Pomona | Pomona |
184 | Berklee College of Music | Boston |
185 | University of Massachusetts Boston | Boston |
186 | Lehman College, CUNY | The Bronx |
187 | East Carolina University | Greenville |
188 | Pace University | New York City ... |
189 | Bowling Green State University | Bowling Green ... |
190 | University of Akron | Akron ... |
191 | Calvin College | Grand Rapids |
192 | University of Dayton | Dayton |
193 | University of Colorado Denver | Denver |
194 | Kennesaw State University | Kennesaw |
195 | University of Northern Iowa | Cedar Falls |
196 | Mount Holyoke College | South Hadley |
197 | Grand Valley State University | Allendale ... |
198 | The University of Maine | Orono |
199 | Old Dominion University | Norfolk |
200 | North Dakota State University | Fargo |
201 | The University of Texas at El Paso | El Paso |
202 | Texas State University | San Marcos ... |
203 | The University of Texas at San Antonio | San Antonio |
204 | The University of Memphis | Memphis ... |
205 | University of Massachusetts Lowell | Lowell |
206 | Middlebury College | Middlebury |
207 | University of Nebraska at Omaha | Omaha |
208 | University of Maryland University College | Adelphi |
209 | Appalachian State University | Boone |
210 | California State University, Los Angeles | Los Angeles |
211 | Creighton University | Omaha |
212 | Lamar University | Beaumont |
213 | Bucknell University | Lewisburg |
214 | Wesleyan University | Middletown |
215 | The University of Montana | Missoula |
216 | University of North Carolina at Greensboro | Greensboro |
217 | Bryn Mawr College | Bryn Mawr |
218 | Grand Canyon University | Phoenix |
219 | Carleton College | Northfield |
220 | Western Washington University | Bellingham |
221 | Baylor College of Medicine | Houston |
222 | Smith College | Northampton |
223 | University of San Francisco | San Francisco |
224 | Sonoma State University | Rohnert Park |
225 | Wright State University | Dayton ... |
226 | Boise State University | Boise |
227 | Yeshiva University | New York City |
228 | University of San Diego | San Diego |
229 | Clark University | Worcester |
230 | Towson University | Towson |
231 | University of North Dakota | Grand Forks |
232 | University of Missouri-St. Louis | St. Louis |
233 | Southern New Hampshire University | Manchester |
234 | Middle Tennessee State University | Murfreesboro |
235 | Eastern Michigan University | Ypsilanti ... |
236 | University of Maryland, Baltimore | Baltimore |
237 | Villanova University | Villanova |
238 | University of Richmond | Richmond |
239 | Central Michigan University | Mount Pleasant |
240 | Wellesley College | Wellesley |
241 | Idaho State University | Pocatello |
242 | California State University, Fresno | Fresno |
243 | University of Southern Mississippi | Hattiesburg |
244 | United States Military Academy | West Point |
245 | Williams College | Williamstown |
246 | Quinnipiac University | Hamden |
247 | The Catholic University of America | Washington |
248 | University of Toledo | Toledo |
249 | Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University | Daytona Beach ... |
250 | Montclair State University | Montclair |
251 | University of Massachusetts Medical School | Worcester |
252 | Oakland University | Rochester Hills |
253 | Amherst College | Amherst |
254 | Cleveland State University | Cleveland |
255 | Oberlin College | Oberlin |
256 | Hofstra University | Hempstead |
257 | University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point | Stevens Point |
258 | United States Naval Academy | Annapolis |
259 | The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston | Galveston |
260 | Pepperdine University | Malibu ... |
261 | California State University, Dominguez Hills | Carson |
262 | Western Kentucky University | Bowling Green |
263 | Missouri State University | Springfield ... |
264 | Earlham College | Richmond |
265 | Colorado School of Mines | Golden |
266 | Seton Hall University | South Orange |
267 | Wichita State University | Wichita |
268 | Vassar College | Poughkeepsie |
269 | Marist College | Poughkeepsie |
270 | Chapman University | Orange |
271 | Loyola Marymount University | Los Angeles |
272 | Marshall University | Huntington |
273 | Colby College | Waterville |
274 | University of North Florida | Jacksonville |
275 | University of Massachusetts Dartmouth | North Dartmouth |
276 | Medical University of South Carolina | Charleston |
277 | Savannah College of Art and Design | Savannah |
278 | Harvey Mudd College | Claremont ... |
279 | Bard College | Annandale-on-Hudson |
280 | DeVry University | Chicago ... |
281 | University of Alabama in Huntsville | Huntsville ... |
282 | Rowan University | Glassboro |
283 | Sam Houston State University | Huntsville |
284 | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Edwardsville ... |
285 | Minnesota State University, Mankato | Mankato ... |
286 | United States Air Force Academy | Colorado Springs |
287 | New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology | Socorro |
288 | Florida Institute of Technology | Melbourne |
289 | Texas Christian University | Fort Worth |
290 | University of St. Thomas | St. Paul ... |
291 | Bowdoin College | Brunswick |
292 | University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center | Dallas |
293 | The Rockefeller University | New York City |
294 | Illinois State University | Normal |
295 | Babson College | Babson Park |
296 | Medical College of Wisconsin | Milwaukee |
297 | University of North Carolina Wilmington | Wilmington |
298 | Miami University | Oxford ... |
299 | University of South Dakota | Vermillion |
300 | Humboldt State University | Arcata |
301 | East Tennessee State University | Johnson City ... |
302 | Rasmussen College | St. Cloud ... |
303 | The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio | San Antonio |
304 | Rhode Island School of Design | Providence |
305 | College of Charleston | Charleston |
306 | California State University San Marcos | San Marcos ... |
307 | Wheaton College | Wheaton |
308 | University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire | Eau Claire |
309 | Pomona College | Claremont |
310 | Ithaca College | Ithaca |
311 | Gallaudet University | Washington |
312 | Connecticut College | New London |
313 | University of Texas Rio Grande Valley | Brownsville ... |
314 | Brigham Young University-Idaho | Rexburg |
315 | Washington and Lee University | Lexington |
316 | Reed College | Portland |
317 | University of Arkansas at Little Rock | Little Rock |
318 | Bradley University | Peoria |
319 | St. John's University | Queens ... |
320 | Indiana State University | Terre Haute |
321 | The University of Tulsa | Tulsa |
322 | Weber State University | Ogden ... |
323 | Elon University | Elon |
324 | Webster University | St. Louis |
325 | The College of New Jersey | Ewing |
326 | University of California, Merced | Merced ... |
327 | The Evergreen State College | Olympia |
328 | St. Olaf College | Northfield |
329 | Columbia College Chicago | Chicago |
330 | Fashion Institute of Technology | New York City |
331 | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | New York City |
332 | University of Wisconsin-Green Bay | Green Bay |
333 | Biola University | La Mirada |
334 | Stevens Institute of Technology | Hoboken |
335 | Saint Johns University | Collegeville |
336 | College of Saint Benedict | St. Joseph ... |
337 | Davidson College | Davidson |
338 | Seattle University | Seattle |
339 | Missouri University of Science and Technology | Rolla |
340 | Pacific University | Forest Grove |
341 | Northern Michigan University | Marquette |
342 | Western Illinois University | Macomb ... |
343 | Brooklyn College | Brooklyn |
344 | Clarkson University | Potsdam |
345 | Pratt Institute | Brooklyn |
346 | Central Washington University | Ellensburg ... |
347 | California State University Stanislaus | Turlock ... |
348 | University of Colorado Colorado Springs | Colorado Springs |
349 | Furman University | Greenville |
350 | Arkansas State University | Jonesboro |
351 | Simmons College | Boston |
352 | Bentley University | Waltham |
353 | Central Connecticut State University | New Britain |
354 | School of Visual Arts | New York City |
355 | Lewis & Clark College | Portland |
356 | Stetson University | DeLand |
357 | The Culinary Institute of America | Hyde Park |
358 | Bernard M Baruch College, CUNY | New York City |
359 | Suffolk University | Boston ... |
360 | Eastern Kentucky University | Richmond |
361 | Fairleigh Dickinson University | Teaneck ... |
362 | State University of New York at Oswego | Oswego |
363 | University of West Florida | Pensacola ... |
364 | Ferris State University | Big Rapids |
365 | Kenyon College | Gambier |
366 | Plymouth State University | Plymouth |
367 | Duquesne University | Pittsburgh |
368 | Long Island University | Brooklyn ... |
369 | Haverford College | Haverford |
370 | St. Cloud State University | St. Cloud |
371 | University of Baltimore | Baltimore |
372 | Trinity College | Hartford |
373 | Utah Valley University | Orem ... |
374 | Emerson College | Boston |
375 | Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania | Shippensburg |
376 | Monmouth University | West Long Branch |
377 | Willamette University | Salem |
378 | Dickinson College | Carlisle |
379 | Howard University | Washington |
380 | University of Illinois at Springfield | Springfield ... |
381 | Eastern Illinois University | Charleston |
382 | University of Nebraska Medical Center | Omaha |
383 | Miami Dade College | Miami |
384 | Hanover College | Hanover |
385 | California Institute of the Arts | Valencia |
386 | Valencia College | Orlando |
387 | Thomas Jefferson University | Philadelphia |
388 | Florida Gulf Coast University | Fort Myers |
389 | Colgate University | Hamilton |
390 | Radford University | Radford |
391 | Strayer University | Washington ... |
392 | Academy of Art University | San Francisco |
393 | Trinity University | San Antonio |
394 | The Juilliard School | New York City |
395 | University of Hawaii at Manoa | Honolulu |
396 | California State University, San Bernardino | San Bernardino ... |
397 | University of Central Arkansas | Conway |
398 | Hunter College, CUNY | New York City |
399 | The Graduate Center, CUNY | New York City |
400 | University of Evansville | Evansville |
401 | University of Louisiana at Lafayette | Lafayette |
402 | Buffalo State College | Buffalo |
403 | University of New Orleans | New Orleans |
404 | Bates College | Lewiston |
405 | Colorado College | Colorado Springs ... |
406 | Loyola University Maryland | Baltimore |
407 | Frostburg State University | Frostburg ... |
408 | DePauw University | Greencastle |
409 | University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh | Oshkosh |
410 | Louisiana Tech University | Ruston |
411 | Franklin and Marshall College | Lancaster |
412 | University of Wisconsin-Whitewater | Whitewater |
413 | Stephen F. Austin State University | Nacogdoches |
414 | Occidental College | Los Angeles |
415 | California State University, East Bay | Hayward ... |
416 | John Jay College of Criminal Justice | New York City |
417 | Indiana University of Pennsylvania | Indiana |
418 | Valdosta State University | Valdosta |
419 | University of West Georgia | Carrollton |
420 | Eastern Washington University | Cheney |
421 | University of Hartford | West Hartford |
422 | Drew University | Madison |
423 | Rider University | Lawrenceville ... |
424 | Valparaiso University | Valparaíso |
425 | Azusa Pacific University | Azusa |
426 | Georgia Southern University | Statesboro |
427 | West Chester University of Pennsylvania | West Chester |
428 | University of Wisconsin-Stout | Menomonie |
429 | Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology | Terre Haute |
430 | Loma Linda University | Loma Linda |
431 | South Dakota State University | Brookings |
432 | The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga | Chattanooga |
433 | University of Northern Colorado | Greeley |
434 | Union College | Schenectady |
435 | University of Wisconsin-La Crosse | La Crosse |
436 | Tennessee Technological University | Cookeville |
437 | Adelphi University | Garden City |
438 | Mercer University | Macon |
439 | Abilene Christian University | Abilene |
440 | Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne | Fort Wayne |
441 | Gonzaga University | Spokane |
442 | University of the Pacific | Stockton ... |
443 | Saint Joseph's University | Philadelphia |
444 | Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences | Bethesda |
445 | Andrews University | Berrien Springs |
446 | Hobart and William Smith Colleges | Geneva |
447 | Loyola University New Orleans | New Orleans |
448 | Seattle Pacific University | Seattle |
449 | The City College of New York | New York City |
450 | Broward College | Fort Lauderdale |
451 | Coastal Carolina University | Conway ... |
452 | Hope College | Holland |
453 | Hampshire College | Amherst |
454 | Art Center College of Design | Pasadena |
455 | Claremont Graduate University | Claremont |
456 | Northern Kentucky University | Highland Heights ... |
457 | Sweet Briar College | Sweet Briar |
458 | Skidmore College | Saratoga Springs |
459 | Maryland Institute College of Art | Baltimore |
460 | School of the Art Institute of Chicago | Chicago |
461 | Macalester College | St. Paul |
462 | The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art | New York City |
463 | Whitman College | Walla Walla |
464 | Augusta University | Augusta |
465 | Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi | Corpus Christi |
466 | University of New England | Biddeford ... |
467 | Truman State University | Kirksville |
468 | Rollins College | Winter Park |
469 | Texas Woman's University | Denton ... |
470 | Grinnell College | Grinnell |
471 | Drake University | Des Moines |
472 | North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University | Greensboro |
473 | Agnes Scott College | Decatur |
474 | Fort Hays State University | Hays |
475 | Southern Utah University | Cedar City |
476 | University of South Alabama | Mobile |
477 | Western Carolina University | Cullowhee ... |
478 | Youngstown State University | Youngstown |
479 | SUNY Cortland | Cortland |
480 | Bridgewater State University | Bridgewater |
481 | Southeast Missouri State University | Cape Girardeau |
482 | Pitzer College | Claremont |
483 | State University of New York at New Paltz | New Paltz |
484 | Emporia State University | Emporia |
485 | Regent University | Virginia Beach |
486 | SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry | Syracuse |
487 | College of the Holy Cross | Worcester |
488 | Widener University | Chester ... |
489 | West Texas A&M University | Canyon ... |
490 | Belmont University | Nashville |
491 | Beloit College | Beloit |
492 | Salisbury University | Salisbury |
493 | Bluffton University | Bluffton |
494 | William Paterson University of New Jersey | Wayne |
495 | Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University | Tallahassee |
496 | Naval Postgraduate School | Monterey |
497 | Milwaukee School of Engineering | Milwaukee |
498 | Samford University | Birmingham |
499 | Barnard College | New York City |
500 | University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences | Little Rock |
501 | Pacific Lutheran University | Tacoma |
502 | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center | Lubbock ... |
503 | Johnson and Wales University | Providence ... |
504 | Sacred Heart University | Fairfield |
505 | Armstrong State University | Savannah |
506 | New York City College of Technology, CUNY | Brooklyn |
507 | Lock Haven University | Lock Haven ... |
508 | Gettysburg College | Gettysburg |
509 | St. Edward's University | Austin |
510 | Hillsdale College | Hillsdale |
511 | Baker College | Flint ... |
512 | SUNY College at Oneonta | Oneonta |
513 | York College, City University of New York | Jamaica |
514 | University of Bridgeport | Bridgeport ... |
515 | University of Hawaii at Hilo | Hilo |
516 | California College of the Arts | San Francisco ... |
517 | Metropolitan State University of Denver | Denver |
518 | The College of Wooster | Wooster |
519 | National Defense University | Fort Lesley J McNair |
520 | Queens College, City University of New York | Flushing |
521 | Hamilton College | Clinton |
522 | Augustana College | Rock Island |
523 | College of Staten Island | Staten Island |
524 | Norwich University | Northfield |
525 | Lafayette College | Easton |
526 | Northeastern Illinois University | Chicago |
527 | Ashland University | Ashland |
528 | SUNY Geneseo | Geneseo |
529 | Bethel University | St. Paul ... |
530 | Kean University | Union ... |
531 | State University of New York College at Plattsburgh | Plattsburgh ... |
532 | Murray State University | Murray ... |
533 | Xavier University | Cincinnati |
534 | New York Institute of Technology | Old Westbury ... |
535 | Denison University | Granville |
536 | Augsburg College | Minneapolis |
537 | Troy University | Troy ... |
538 | SUNY Empire State College | Saratoga Springs |
539 | SUNY Upstate Medical University | Syracuse |
540 | University of New Haven | West Haven ... |
541 | National University | La Jolla |
542 | Saint Mary's College of California | Moraga |
543 | Lawrence University | Appleton |
544 | Pittsburg State University | Pittsburg |
545 | The College of St. Scholastica | Duluth ... |
546 | University of Southern Maine | Portland ... |
547 | University of North Carolina at Asheville | Asheville |
548 | Western Oregon University | Monmouth |
549 | Colorado Technical University | Colorado Springs ... |
550 | Morgan State University | Baltimore |
551 | Lake Superior State University | Sault Ste. Marie |
552 | North Carolina Central University | Durham |
553 | California Lutheran University | Thousand Oaks |
554 | Cedarville University | Cedarville |
555 | Mills College | Oakland |
556 | Stockton University | Galloway |
557 | Austin Peay State University | Clarksville |
558 | Canisius College | Buffalo |
559 | St Petersburg College | Clearwater |
560 | St. Lawrence University | Canton |
561 | Dakota State University | Madison ... |
562 | Roosevelt University | Chicago ... |
563 | Regis University | Denver |
564 | University of Alaska Anchorage | Anchorage |
565 | Pennsylvania College of Technology | Williamsport |
566 | Butler University | Indianapolis |
567 | Winthrop University | Rock Hill |
568 | Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania | Bloomsburg |
569 | Barry University | Miami ... |
570 | The State University of New York at Potsdam | Potsdam |
571 | Elmhurst College | Elmhurst |
572 | University of Nebraska at Kearney | Kearney |
573 | University of Detroit Mercy | Detroit |
574 | Champlain College | Burlington ... |
575 | The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center | Oklahoma City |
576 | Westmont College | Santa Barbara |
577 | St. Catherine University | St. Paul |
578 | University of Portland | Portland |
579 | The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston | Houston |
580 | Rhode Island College | Providence |
581 | Spelman College | Atlanta |
582 | Fairfield University | Fairfield |
583 | Hamline University | St. Paul |
584 | Saginaw Valley State University | University Center |
585 | Georgia College and State University | Milledgeville ... |
586 | Christopher Newport University | Newport News |
587 | Angelo State University | San Angelo |
588 | Maharishi University of Management | Fairfield |
589 | Le Moyne College | Syracuse |
590 | Kettering University | Flint |
591 | University of Hawaii-West Oahu | Kapolei |
592 | Tarleton State University | Stephenville ... |
593 | University of California, Hastings College of the Law | San Francisco |
594 | Roger Williams University | Bristol |
595 | Baldwin Wallace University | Berea |
596 | Virginia Military Institute | Lexington |
597 | Argosy University | Orange ... |
598 | University of Central Oklahoma | Edmond |
599 | Berea College | Berea |
600 | University of Central Missouri | Warrensburg |
601 | Wabash College | Crawfordsville |
602 | University of Michigan-Flint | Flint ... |
603 | Kutztown University of Pennsylvania | Kutztown |
604 | Saint Michael's College | Colchester ... |
605 | California State University, Monterey Bay | Seaside |
606 | Alfred University | Alfred |
607 | Morehouse College | Atlanta |
608 | The College at Brockport | Brockport |
609 | Southern Connecticut State University | New Haven |
610 | University of Southern Indiana | Evansville |
611 | Medgar Evers College | Brooklyn |
612 | Brigham Young University-Hawaii | Laie |
613 | The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina | Charleston |
614 | Elizabethtown College | Elizabethtown |
615 | Claremont McKenna College | Claremont |
616 | Touro College | New York City ... |
617 | Providence College | Providence |
618 | Southeastern Louisiana University | Hammond |
619 | Seton Hill University | Greensburg |
620 | University of Scranton | Scranton |
621 | Saint Anselm College | Manchester |
622 | California State University, Bakersfield | Bakersfield |
623 | Campbell University | Buies Creek |
624 | The University of Tampa | Tampa |
625 | Philadelphia University | Philadelphia |
626 | St. Mary's University | San Antonio |
627 | Rhodes College | Memphis |
628 | Hawaii Pacific University | Honolulu |
629 | Southern Oregon University | Ashland ... |
630 | Northwest Missouri State University | Maryville ... |
631 | New Jersey City University | Jersey City |
632 | Minnesota State University Moorhead | Moorhead |
633 | California State University Channel Islands | Camarillo |
634 | Tennessee State University | Nashville |
635 | Gustavus Adolphus College | St. Peter |
636 | La Salle University | Philadelphia |
637 | Millersville University of Pennsylvania | Millersville |
638 | University of Mary Washington | Fredericksburg |
639 | Messiah College | Mechanicsburg ... |
640 | Longwood University | Farmville |
641 | Massachusetts College of Art and Design | Boston |
642 | Eckerd College | St. Petersburg ... |
643 | South University | Savannah |
644 | Olivet Nazarene University | Bourbonnais |
645 | Siena College | Loudonville |
646 | Ohio Northern University | Ada |
647 | Golden Gate University | San Francisco ... |
648 | Oregon Institute of Technology | Klamath Falls |
649 | Albion College | Albion |
650 | Arkansas Tech University | Russellville |
651 | United States Merchant Marine Academy | Kings Point ... |
652 | George Fox University | Newberg |
653 | State University of New York at Fredonia | Fredonia |
654 | University of Wisconsin-Platteville | Platteville |
655 | Susquehanna University | Selinsgrove |
656 | Berry College | Mount Berry |
657 | Bellarmine University | Louisville |
658 | John Carroll University | University Heights |
659 | Northwest Nazarene University | Nampa |
660 | Jacksonville State University | Jacksonville |
661 | New York Law School | New York City |
662 | Arcadia University | Glenside |
663 | Capital University | Columbus |
664 | Columbia College | Columbia |
665 | Hampton University | Hampton |
666 | Goucher College | Towson |
667 | Bastyr University | Kenmore |
668 | Bellevue College | Bellevue |
669 | Eastern New Mexico University | Portales |
670 | University of Indianapolis | Indianapolis |
671 | Lesley University | Cambridge ... |
672 | Purchase College, State University of New York | Purchase |
673 | The University of Texas at Tyler | Tyler |
674 | Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center | New Orleans ... |
675 | Florida State College at Jacksonville | Jacksonville |
676 | Carson-Newman University | Jefferson City |
677 | California Institute of Integral Studies | San Francisco |
678 | University of Louisiana at Monroe | Monroe |
679 | Oral Roberts University | Tulsa |
680 | Bob Jones University | Greenville |
681 | Luther College | Decorah |
682 | Southwestern University | Georgetown |
683 | Washington College | Chestertown |
684 | Naropa University | Boulder |
685 | University of Puget Sound | Tacoma |
686 | Sarah Lawrence College | Bronxville |
687 | Juniata College | Huntingdon |
688 | University of the District of Columbia | Washington |
689 | Dixie State University | St. George |
690 | Bryant University | Smithfield |
691 | Keene State College | Keene |
692 | Washburn University | Topeka |
693 | Northwestern State University of Louisiana | Natchitoches |
694 | Ohio Wesleyan University | Delaware ... |
695 | University of Mississippi Medical Center | Jackson |
696 | Chatham University | Pittsburgh |
697 | The University of the Arts | Philadelphia |
698 | North Park University | Chicago |
699 | University of North Carolina at Pembroke | Pembroke |
700 | College of Southern Nevada | Las Vegas |
701 | York College of Pennsylvania | York |
702 | Muhlenberg College | Allentown |
703 | Bellevue University | Bellevue ... |
704 | Assumption College | Worcester |
705 | CUNY School of Law | Long Island City |
706 | University of Wisconsin-Parkside | Kenosha |
707 | Saint Leo University | Saint Leo ... |
708 | Texas A&M University-Commerce | Commerce |
709 | Sewanee: The University of the South | Sewanee |
710 | Wofford College | Spartanburg |
711 | Augustana University | Sioux Falls |
712 | East Stroudsburg University | East Stroudsburg |
713 | SUNY Downstate Medical Center | Brooklyn |
714 | Concordia University | Portland |
715 | The University of Findlay | Findlay |
716 | University of Redlands | Redlands |
717 | Northwood University | Midland ... |
718 | Fort Lewis College | Durango |
719 | Drury University | Springfield ... |
720 | National-Louis University | Chicago ... |
721 | Salem State University | Salem |
722 | Tuskegee University | Tuskegee |
723 | Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania | Slippery Rock |
724 | Clark Atlanta University | Atlanta |
725 | SIT Graduate Institute | Brattleboro |
726 | Concordia University Wisconsin | Mequon |
727 | Mississippi College | Clinton ... |
728 | University of Saint Joseph | West Hartford |
729 | University of North Alabama | Florence |
730 | Jackson State University | Jackson |
731 | Alabama A&M University | Normal |
732 | Goshen College | Goshen |
733 | Ursinus College | Collegeville |
734 | Muskingum University | New Concord |
735 | University of Wisconsin-Superior | Superior |
736 | Linfield College | McMinnville ... |
737 | Clayton State University | Morrow |
738 | Prairie View A&M University | Prairie View ... |
739 | Grove City College | Grove City |
740 | Park University | Parkville ... |
741 | McDaniel College | Westminster |
742 | Otis College of Art and Design | Los Angeles |
743 | Wheelock College | Boston |
744 | Florida Southern College | Lakeland ... |
745 | McNeese State University | Lake Charles |
746 | Christian Brothers University | Memphis |
747 | Western Connecticut State University | Danbury |
748 | Wentworth Institute of Technology | Boston |
749 | Niagara University | Niagara University |
750 | South Dakota School of Mines and Technology | Rapid City |
751 | Northeastern State University | Tahlequah |
752 | Merrimack College | North Andover |
753 | St. Norbert College | De Pere |
754 | Fresno Pacific University | Fresno |
755 | Saint Ambrose University | Davenport |
756 | Saint Mary's University of Minnesota | Winona ... |
757 | Montana Tech | Butte |
758 | Penn State College of Medicine | Hershey |
759 | Oklahoma City University | Oklahoma City |
760 | California Baptist University | Riverside ... |
761 | Texas A&M University-Kingsville | Kingsville |
762 | Whittier College | Whittier |
763 | Winona State University | Winona |
764 | St. Bonaventure University | St. Bonaventure |
765 | Texas Southern University | Houston |
766 | Stonehill College | Easton |
767 | Shenandoah University | Winchester |
768 | Fisk University | Nashville |
769 | Delaware State University | Dover |
770 | Auburn University at Montgomery | Montgomery |
771 | Hult International Business School | Cambridge ... |
772 | University of Houston-Clear Lake | Houston ... |
773 | Lipscomb University | Nashville |
774 | Wilkes University | Wilkes-Barre |
775 | University of Wisconsin-River Falls | River Falls |
776 | University of Alaska Southeast | Juneau ... |
777 | Salve Regina University | Newport |
778 | Clarion University of Pennsylvania | Clarion |
779 | University of Maryland Eastern Shore | Princess Anne |
780 | Indiana Wesleyan University | Marion |
781 | University of Dallas | Irving |
782 | Northern State University | Aberdeen |
783 | Illinois Wesleyan University | Bloomington |
784 | Centre College | Danville |
785 | Colorado Christian University | Lakewood |
786 | Mount St. Mary's University | Emmitsburg ... |
787 | Alabama State University | Montgomery |
788 | Gordon College | Wenham ... |
789 | Adams State University | Alamosa |
790 | Daytona State College | Daytona Beach |
791 | Palm Beach State College | Lake Worth |
792 | University of North Georgia | Dahlonega |
793 | Kaplan University | Davenport |
794 | Minneapolis College of Art and Design | Minneapolis |
795 | Fayetteville State University | Fayetteville |
796 | Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts | Philadelphia |
797 | Chicago State University | Chicago |
798 | Xavier University of Louisiana | New Orleans |
799 | Roanoke College | Salem |
800 | Lawrence Technological University | Southfield |
801 | Vermont Law School | South Royalton |
802 | Midwestern State University | Wichita Falls |
803 | Midwestern University | Downers Grove ... |
804 | Ramapo College of New Jersey | Mahwah |
805 | Allegheny College | Meadville |
806 | Southern University and A&M College | Baton Rouge |
807 | Utica College | Utica |
808 | Western University of Health Sciences | Pomona |
809 | Wittenberg University | Springfield |
810 | Millikin University | Decatur |
811 | Berkeley College | New York City ... |
812 | Benedictine University | Lisle |
813 | Westminster College | Salt Lake City |
814 | Western State Colorado University | Gunnison |
815 | The John Marshall Law School | Chicago |
816 | Santa Fe College | Gainesville |
817 | Framingham State University | Framingham |
818 | Carthage College | Kenosha |
819 | Ringling College of Art and Design | Sarasota |
820 | Oglethorpe University | Atlanta |
821 | Guilford College | Greensboro |
822 | Aurora University | Aurora ... |
823 | Keiser University | Fort Lauderdale |
824 | D'Youville College | Buffalo |
825 | Lindenwood University | St. Charles |
826 | Marietta College | Marietta |
827 | Indiana University South Bend | South Bend ... |
828 | Moody Bible Institute | Chicago |
829 | University of the Incarnate Word | San Antonio |
830 | St. Mary's College of Maryland | St. Mary's City |
831 | Davenport University | Grand Rapids ... |
832 | Dallas Baptist University | Dallas |
833 | MCPHS University | Boston ... |
834 | Stevenson University | Stevenson |
835 | United States Coast Guard Academy | New London |
836 | Manhattan School of Music | New York City |
837 | Norfolk State University | Norfolk |
838 | Harding University | Searcy ... |
839 | Jacksonville University | Jacksonville |
840 | Edgewood College | Madison |
841 | University of Maine at Machias | Machias |
842 | Boston Architectural College | Boston |
843 | St. John Fisher College | Rochester |
844 | Eastern Mennonite University | Harrisonburg ... |
845 | Hendrix College | Conway |
846 | Eastern Connecticut State University | Willimantic |
847 | Manhattan College | Riverdale |
848 | City University of Seattle | Bellevue ... |
849 | Eastern Oregon University | La Grande |
850 | Franklin University | Columbus |
851 | Hiram College | Hiram |
852 | Saint Xavier University | Chicago |
853 | Bennington College | Bennington |
854 | Edinboro University of Pennsylvania | Edinboro |
855 | Kalamazoo College | Kalamazoo |
856 | University of St. Francis | Joliet |
857 | High Point University | High Point |
858 | Everest University | Tampa ... |
859 | Bowie State University | Bowie |
860 | University of La Verne | La Verne ... |
861 | Iona College | New Rochelle |
862 | San Francisco Art Institute | San Francisco |
863 | Virginia State University | Petersburg |
864 | Dominican University | River Forest |
865 | Alliant International University | San Diego ... |
866 | Otterbein University | Westerville |
867 | Brooklyn Law School | Brooklyn |
868 | Simpson College | Indianola |
869 | Birmingham-Southern College | Birmingham |
870 | Farmingdale State College | Farmingdale |
871 | Hood College | Frederick |
872 | Moravian College | Bethlehem |
873 | Dordt College | Sioux Center |
874 | Montana State University Billings | Billings |
875 | Wheaton College | Norton |
876 | Thomas Edison State University | Trenton |
877 | Flagler College | St. Augustine ... |
878 | Queens University of Charlotte | Charlotte |
879 | Anderson University | Anderson |
880 | Austin College | Sherman |
881 | Lincoln Memorial University | Harrogate |
882 | Robert Morris University | Moon Township ... |
883 | Concordia University Irvine | Irvine |
884 | Lebanon Valley College | Annville |
885 | Gardner-Webb University | Boiling Springs ... |
886 | The College of Saint Rose | Albany |
887 | Elizabeth City State University | Elizabeth City |
888 | Massachusetts Maritime Academy | Buzzards Bay |
889 | Winston-Salem State University | Winston Salem |
890 | Eastern University | St. Davids |
891 | Hartwick College | Oneonta |
892 | Wilmington University | New Castle |
893 | Nazareth College | Rochester |
894 | Upper Iowa University | Fayette ... |
895 | Geneva College | Beaver Falls |
896 | Marlboro College | Marlboro |
897 | Concordia University, St. Paul | St. Paul |
898 | New Mexico Highlands University | Las Vegas |
899 | Hampden-Sydney College | Hampden-Sydney |
900 | Concordia College | Moorhead |
901 | Morehead State University | Morehead ... |
902 | Bridgewater College | Bridgewater |
903 | Mercyhurst University | Erie |
904 | Southern California Institute of Architecture | Los Angeles |
905 | Alverno College | Milwaukee |
906 | Indiana University Southeast | New Albany |
907 | Worcester State University | Worcester |
908 | Cornell College | Mount Vernon |
909 | Meredith College | Raleigh |
910 | Southern Nazarene University | Bethany |
911 | Rush University | Chicago |
912 | Lyon College | Batesville |
913 | Nicholls State University | Thibodaux |
914 | Taylor University | Upland ... |
915 | Central College | Pella |
916 | Cameron University | Lawton ... |
917 | Centenary College of Louisiana | Shreveport |
918 | California State University Maritime Academy | Vallejo |
919 | New England College | Henniker |
920 | St. Thomas University | Miami Gardens |
921 | Lycoming College | Williamsport |
922 | Catawba College | Salisbury |
923 | Louisiana State University in Shreveport | Shreveport ... |
924 | Gannon University | Erie |
925 | Wartburg College | Waverly |
926 | Northwestern Michigan College | Traverse City |
927 | Spring Hill College | Mobile |
928 | Albright College | Reading |
929 | Trinity International University | Deerfield ... |
930 | Columbus State University | Columbus |
931 | Seattle Central College | Seattle |
932 | New College of Florida | Sarasota |
933 | Transylvania University | Lexington |
934 | Southwestern College | Winfield |
935 | Henderson State University | Arkadelphia |
936 | Cleveland Institute of Art | Cleveland |
937 | Seminole State College of Florida | Sanford |
938 | Emmanuel College | Boston |
939 | Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering | Needham |
940 | Purdue University Northwest | Hammond |
941 | Hollins University | Roanoke |
942 | Albany Medical College | Albany |
943 | Scripps College | Claremont |
944 | Bemidji State University | Bemidji |
945 | DeSales University | Center Valley |
946 | The University of Tennessee Health Science Center | Memphis |
947 | Franciscan University of Steubenville | Steubenville |
948 | SUNY College of Technology at Alfred | Alfred |
949 | Southern Arkansas University | Magnolia |
950 | East Central University | Ada |
951 | Asbury University | Wilmore |
952 | Baker University | Baldwin City |
953 | Saint Vincent College | Latrobe |
954 | Lewis-Clark State College | Lewiston ... |
955 | University of Maine at Farmington | Farmington |
956 | Randolph-Macon College | Ashland |
957 | Daemen College | Amherst |
958 | Buena Vista University | Storm Lake |
959 | Saint Martin's University | Lacey |
960 | University of Houston-Downtown | Houston |
961 | Curtis Institute of Music | Philadelphia |
962 | Marylhurst University | Marylhurst |
963 | Vanguard University of Southern California | Costa Mesa ... |
964 | New England Conservatory | Boston |
965 | Point Park University | Pittsburgh |
966 | Nebraska Wesleyan University | Lincoln ... |
967 | Colorado Mesa University | Grand Junction |
968 | Houston Baptist University | Houston |
969 | Endicott College | Beverly |
970 | Saint Mary's College | Notre Dame ... |
971 | Oklahoma Christian University | Edmond ... |
972 | The Sage Colleges | Troy ... |
973 | Minot State University | Minot |
974 | Curry College | Milton |
975 | Aquinas College | Grand Rapids |
976 | College for Creative Studies | Detroit |
977 | Viterbo University | La Crosse |
978 | University of Mary Hardin-Baylor | Belton |
979 | Knox College | Galesburg ... |
980 | College of the Atlantic | Bar Harbor |
981 | Pacific Union College | Angwin |
982 | St John's College | Annapolis ... |
983 | Bard College at Simon's Rock | Great Barrington |
984 | National American University | Rapid City ... |
985 | Westminster College | New Wilmington |
986 | Warren Wilson College | Swannanoa |
987 | The American College of Financial Services | Bryn Mawr |
988 | Quincy University | Quincy |
989 | Western New England University | Springfield ... |
990 | Fontbonne University | St. Louis |
991 | Lander University | Greenwood |
992 | Texas A&M International University | Laredo |
993 | Dominican University of California | San Rafael |
994 | Rogers State University | Claremore |
995 | Spring Arbor University | Spring Arbor |
996 | Springfield College | Springfield |
997 | Grambling State University | Grambling |
998 | Antioch University | Yellow Springs ... |
999 | Concordia University Chicago | River Forest |
1000 | Brenau University | Gainesville |
1001 | Dakota Wesleyan University | Mitchell |
1002 | Georgetown College | Georgetown |
1003 | North Carolina Wesleyan College | Rocky Mount ... |
1004 | Eastern Virginia Medical School | Norfolk |
1005 | Coe College | Cedar Rapids |
1006 | Missouri Western State University | St. Joseph |
1007 | Trinity Washington University | Washington |
1008 | Point Loma Nazarene University | San Diego ... |
1009 | Bryant and Stratton College | Buffalo ... |
1010 | Alma College | Alma |
1011 | Brown Mackie College | Salina ... |
1012 | Herzing University | Madison |
1013 | A.T. Still University | Kirksville ... |
1014 | Whitworth University | Spokane |
1015 | SUNY Polytechnic Institute | Utica |
1016 | Union University | Jackson |
1017 | Our Lady of the Lake University | San Antonio |
1018 | Dowling College | Oakdale ... |
1019 | Mercy College | Dobbs Ferry |
1020 | Morningside College | Sioux City |
1021 | Green Mountain College | Poultney ... |
1022 | Belhaven University | Jackson |
1023 | ECPI University | Virginia Beach |
1024 | McKendree University | Lebanon |
1025 | Southwest Minnesota State University | Marshall |
1026 | New York Medical College | Valhalla |
1027 | Columbus College of Art and Design | Columbus |
1028 | Maryville University | St. Louis |
1029 | Lewis University | Romeoville |
1030 | Wingate University | Wingate |
1031 | Notre Dame of Maryland University | Baltimore |
1032 | Cornerstone University | Grand Rapids |
1033 | Wayne State College | Wayne |
1034 | Goddard College | Plainfield ... |
1035 | Wheeling Jesuit University | Wheeling |
1036 | Texas A&M University at Galveston | Galveston |
1037 | Alcorn State University | Lorman |
1038 | Southern Adventist University | Collegedale |
1039 | Brandman University | Irvine |
1040 | Western New Mexico University | Silver City |
1041 | Molloy College | Rockville Centre |
1042 | Lincoln University | Lincoln University |
1043 | Lynchburg College | Lynchburg |
1044 | Wagner College | Staten Island |
1045 | Metropolitan State University | St. Paul |
1046 | University of Northwestern - St. Paul | St. Paul ... |
1047 | Shepherd University | Shepherdstown |
1048 | Lynn University | Boca Raton |
1049 | Pfeiffer University | Misenheimer |
1050 | Morrisville State College | Morrisville |
1051 | University of the Ozarks | Clarksville |
1052 | University of South Carolina-Upstate | Spartanburg |
1053 | Fitchburg State University | Fitchburg |
1054 | Mississippi University for Women | Columbus |
1055 | Colorado State University-Pueblo | Pueblo |
1056 | Delta State University | Cleveland |
1057 | Clarke University | Dubuque |
1058 | Presbyterian College | Clinton |
1059 | Caldwell University | Caldwell |
1060 | Georgian Court University | Lakewood |
1061 | Sterling College | Sterling |
1062 | The University of Texas of the Permian Basin | Odessa |
1063 | Governors State University | University Park |
1064 | South Carolina State University | Orangeburg |
1065 | Thomas College | Waterville |
1066 | Loras College | Dubuque |
1067 | Coppin State University | Baltimore |
1068 | Chaminade University of Honolulu | Honolulu |
1069 | Cornish College of the Arts | Seattle |
1070 | Adrian College | Adrian |
1071 | Concordia University, Nebraska | Seward |
1072 | Alaska Pacific University | Anchorage |
1074 | Doane University | Crete |
1075 | Dalton State College | Dalton |
1076 | Bethune-Cookman University | Daytona Beach |
1077 | Stephens College | Columbia |
1078 | Huntington University | Huntington ... |
1079 | Faulkner University | Montgomery |
1080 | University of South Carolina-Aiken | Aiken |
1081 | Greenville College | Greenville |
1082 | Cardinal Stritch University | Milwaukee |
1083 | Marymount University | Arlington |
1084 | Manhattanville College | Purchase |
1085 | Walla Walla University | College Place |
1086 | Misericordia University | Dallas |
1087 | Missouri Baptist University | St. Louis |
1088 | Felician University | Lodi ... |
1089 | University of St. Thomas | Houston |
1090 | Saint Joseph's College of Maine | Standish ... |
1091 | Great Basin College | Elko ... |
1092 | Dillard University | New Orleans |
1093 | Rockhurst University | Kansas City |
1094 | Benedictine College | Atchison |
1095 | Virginia Wesleyan College | Norfolk |
1096 | Lake Forest College | Lake Forest |
1097 | Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts | North Adams |
1098 | Sul Ross State University | Alpine |
1099 | South Texas College | McAllen |
1100 | Gwynedd Mercy University | Gwynedd Valley |
1101 | Keck Graduate Institute | Claremont |
1102 | University of Montevallo | Montevallo |
1103 | SUNY Maritime College | Throggs Neck |
1104 | Black Hills State University | Spearfish |
1105 | King's College | Wilkes-Barre |
1106 | The College of New Rochelle | New Rochelle |
1107 | Carlow University | Pittsburgh |
1108 | Southwestern Adventist University | Keene |
1109 | Kansas City Art Institute | Kansas City |
1110 | Soka University of America | Aliso Viejo |
1111 | Albany State University | Albany |
1112 | Logan University | Chesterfield |
1113 | Bank Street College of Education | New York City |
1114 | Mount Mercy University | Cedar Rapids |
1115 | Heidelberg University | Tiffin |
1116 | Friends University | Wichita ... |
1117 | Kentucky State University | Frankfort |
1118 | Bethel College | North Newton |
1119 | Regis College | Weston |
1120 | Colby-Sawyer College | New London |
1121 | Oklahoma Baptist University | Shawnee |
1122 | LeTourneau University | Longview |
1123 | Sullivan University | Louisville ... |
1124 | Oakwood University | Huntsville |
1125 | University of Mount Union | Alliance |
1126 | Northwestern College | Orange City |
1127 | Monroe College | Bronx ... |
1128 | Mount St. Joseph University | Cincinnati |
1129 | John Brown University | Siloam Springs |
1130 | University of Jamestown | Jamestown |
1131 | University of Mary | Bismarck |
1132 | Ottawa University | Ottawa ... |
1133 | Prescott College | Prescott |
1134 | Woodbury University | Burbank |
1135 | Bismarck State College | Bismarck |
1136 | Maine College of Art | Portland |
1137 | Morehouse School of Medicine | Atlanta |
1138 | Johnson C. Smith University | Charlotte |
1139 | Albany Law School | Albany |
1140 | Wilmington College | Wilmington |
1141 | La Sierra University | Riverside |
1142 | Rocky Mountain College | Billings |
1143 | Chadron State College | Chadron |
1144 | Bryan College | Dayton ... |
1145 | Unity College | Unity |
1146 | Central State University | Wilberforce |
1147 | New England Institute of Technology | East Greenwich |
1148 | Indiana University Northwest | Gary |
1149 | Elmira College | Elmira |
1150 | Vincennes University | Vincennes |
1151 | Pine Manor College | Chestnut Hill |
1152 | Saint Peter's University | Jersey City |
1153 | Ripon College | Ripon |
1154 | Emory & Henry College | Emory ... |
1155 | Tabor College | Hillsboro |
1156 | Saint Francis University | Loretto |
1157 | University of West Alabama | Livingston |
1158 | Cleveland Institute of Music | Cleveland |
1159 | University of Dubuque | Dubuque |
1160 | Trevecca Nazarene University | Nashville |
1161 | Southwestern Law School | Los Angeles |
1162 | University of the Sciences in Philadelphia | Philadelphia |
1163 | Bennett College | Greensboro |
1164 | Alvernia University | Reading |
1165 | Claflin University | Orangeburg |
1166 | Lincoln University | Jefferson City |
1167 | The Chicago School of Professional Psychology | Los Angeles ... |
1168 | Charleston Southern University | Charleston |
1169 | Northland College | Ashland |
1170 | Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science | Los Angeles |
1171 | Missouri Southern State University | Joplin |
1172 | Polk State College | Winter Haven |
1173 | Franklin Pierce University | Rindge ... |
1174 | Edward Waters College | Jacksonville |
1175 | SUNY College at Old Westbury | Old Westbury |
1176 | Dean College | Franklin |
1177 | Fielding Graduate University | Santa Barbara |
1178 | Carroll University | Waukesha ... |
1179 | University of Sioux Falls | Sioux Falls |
1180 | Wayland Baptist University | Plainview ... |
1181 | University of Arkansas at Monticello | Monticello |
1182 | Wisconsin Lutheran College | Milwaukee |
1183 | McMurry University | Abilene |
1184 | Cedar Crest College | Allentown |
1185 | Shawnee State University | Portsmouth |
1186 | Moore College of Art and Design | Philadelphia |
1187 | Saint Joseph's College | Rensselaer |
1188 | Rivier University | Nashua |
1189 | The Master's University | Santa Clarita |
1190 | Nyack College | Nyack |
1191 | Mount Ida College | Newton |
1192 | Mansfield University of Pennsylvania | Mansfield |
1193 | Lenoir-Rhyne University | Hickory |
1194 | University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff | Pine Bluff |
1195 | Indian River State College | Fort Pierce |
1196 | Trinity Christian College | Palos Heights |
1197 | Brevard College | Brevard |
1198 | Albertus Magnus College | New Haven |
1199 | College of Our Lady of the Elms | Chicopee |
1200 | University of Houston-Victoria | Victoria |
1201 | Wilson College | Chambersburg |
1202 | Middle Georgia State University | Macon |
1203 | South Texas College of Law | Houston |
1204 | Post University | Waterbury |
1205 | Converse College | Spartanburg |
1206 | Concordia University Texas | Austin |
1207 | Mount Marty College | Yankton |
1208 | Newman University | Wichita ... |
1209 | Millsaps College | Jackson |
1210 | California University of Pennsylvania | California |
1211 | Principia College | Elsah |
1212 | University of North Carolina School of the Arts | Winston Salem |
1213 | Washington & Jefferson College | Washington |
1214 | Evangel University | Springfield |
1215 | National University of Health Sciences | Lombard ... |
1216 | West Virginia Wesleyan College | Buckhannon |
1217 | SUNY Canton | Canton |
1218 | Ferrum College | Ferrum |
1219 | Mount Mary University | Milwaukee |
1220 | Bloomfield College | Bloomfield |
1221 | Bay Path University | Longmeadow |
1222 | Franklin College | Franklin |
1223 | Lancaster Bible College | Lancaster |
1224 | Adler University | Chicago ... |
1225 | Florida Memorial University | Miami Gardens |
1226 | Chestnut Hill College | Philadelphia |
1227 | University of Mobile | Mobile |
1228 | Savannah State University | Savannah |
1229 | Tougaloo College | Tougaloo ... |
1230 | Paine College | Augusta |
1231 | Keuka College | Keuka Park |
1232 | Valley City State University | Valley City |
1233 | Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College | Saint Mary of the Woods |
1234 | Chamberlain College of Nursing | Addison ... |
1235 | Holy Names University | Oakland |
1236 | Marian University | Indianapolis |
1237 | Tusculum College | Greeneville |
1238 | Piedmont College | Demorest |
1239 | Paul Smith's College | Paul Smiths |
1240 | La Roche College | Pittsburgh |
1241 | Notre Dame de Namur University | Belmont |
1242 | Delaware Valley University | Doylestown |
1243 | East Texas Baptist University | Marshall |
1244 | Becker College | Worcester ... |
1245 | Dominican College | Orangeburg |
1246 | North Central College | Naperville ... |
1247 | Montreat College | Montreat ... |
1248 | Southeastern University | Lakeland |
1249 | Freed-Hardeman University | Henderson |
1250 | Montana State University-Northern | Havre ... |
1251 | Walsh University | North Canton |
1252 | Roberts Wesleyan College | Rochester |
1253 | Methodist University | Fayetteville |
1254 | Illinois College | Jacksonville |
1255 | Francis Marion University | Florence |
1256 | Mississippi Valley State University | Itta Bena |
1257 | University of Northwestern Ohio | Lima |
1258 | Texas Wesleyan University | Fort Worth |
1259 | St. Francis College | Brooklyn Heights |
1260 | Life University | Marietta |
1261 | Belmont Abbey College | Belmont |
1262 | Northwest University | Kirkland ... |
1263 | Cogswell Polytechnical College | San Jose ... |
1264 | Southwestern Oklahoma State University | Weatherford ... |
1265 | Neumann University | Aston |
1266 | Fort Valley State University | Fort Valley |
1267 | Snow College | Ephraim |
1268 | Robert Morris University | Chicago |
1269 | University of St Augustine for Health Sciences | San Marcos |
1270 | Northwestern Health Sciences University | Bloomington |
1271 | MidAmerica Nazarene University | Olathe |
1272 | Eastern Nazarene College | Quincy |
1273 | Lubbock Christian University | Lubbock |
1274 | Medaille College | Buffalo |
1275 | Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science | North Chicago |
1276 | Trine University | Angola |
1277 | Milligan College | Elizabethton |
1278 | Ave Maria University | Ave Maria |
1279 | William Carey University | Hattiesburg ... |
1280 | Lakeland College | Plymouth |
1281 | Lee University | Cleveland |
1282 | Missouri Valley College | Marshall |
1283 | Samuel Merritt University | Oakland |
1284 | Granite State College | Concord |
1285 | Shorter University | Rome ... |
1286 | Marywood University | Scranton |
1287 | Antioch University Los Angeles | Culver City |
1288 | Lindsey Wilson College | Columbia |
1289 | Rockford University | Rockford ... |
1290 | NewSchool of Architecture and Design | San Diego |
1291 | West Virginia State University | Institute |
1292 | Westfield State University | Westfield |
1293 | Wesley College | Dover |
1294 | William Peace University | Raleigh |
1295 | Mount Saint Mary College | Newburgh |
1296 | Cambridge College | Cambridge |
1297 | Hardin-Simmons University | Abilene |
1298 | Athens State University | Athens |
1299 | College of the Ozarks | Point Lookout |
1300 | University of Charleston | Charleston |
1301 | Oklahoma Wesleyan University | Bartlesville |
1302 | Bethany Lutheran College | Mankato |
1303 | Western Nevada College | Carson City |
1304 | Des Moines University | Des Moines |
1305 | Nichols College | Dudley |
1306 | Gulf Coast State College | Panama City |
1307 | Manchester University | North Manchester |
1308 | Rosemont College | Rosemont |
1309 | Texas A&M University-Texarkana | Texarkana |
1310 | American Jewish University | Los Angeles ... |
1311 | Anna Maria College | Paxton |
1312 | Antioch University New England | Keene |
1313 | Florida SouthWestern State College | Fort Myers |
1314 | New England Law | Boston | Boston |
1315 | Palm Beach Atlantic University | West Palm Beach ... |
1316 | Sierra Nevada College | Incline Village |
1317 | Columbia International University | Columbia |
1318 | McPherson College | McPherson |
1319 | College of Mount Saint Vincent | The Bronx |
1320 | Newberry College | Newberry |
1321 | Olivet College | Olivet |
1322 | Carroll College | Helena |
1323 | Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College | Tifton |
1324 | Ohio Christian University | Circleville |
1325 | Concord University | Athens |
1326 | Westminster College | Fulton |
1327 | United States Sports Academy | Daphne |
1328 | Husson University | Bangor |
1329 | Houghton College | Houghton ... |
1330 | University of the Cumberlands | Williamsburg |
1331 | State College of Florida-Manatee-Sarasota | Bradenton |
1332 | Salem College | Winston Salem |
1333 | Warner Pacific College | Portland |
1334 | Eureka College | Eureka ... |
1335 | Kendall College | Chicago |
1336 | Covenant College | Lookout Mountain |
1337 | Maine Maritime Academy | Castine |
1338 | John F. Kennedy University | Pleasant Hill ... |
1339 | Schreiner University | Kerrville |
1340 | San Francisco Conservatory of Music | San Francisco |
1341 | Union College | Lincoln |
1342 | Grace College | Winona Lake ... |
1343 | Thomas More College | Crestview Hills |
1344 | Coker College | Hartsville |
1345 | Georgia Gwinnett College | Lawrenceville |
1346 | Crown College | St. Bonifacius ... |
1347 | SUNY Delhi | Delhi |
1348 | Mitchell Hamline School of Law | St. Paul |
1349 | Southern Wesleyan University | Central |
1350 | University of Maine at Augusta | Augusta |
1351 | Briar Cliff University | Sioux City |
1352 | Indiana Institute of Technology | Fort Wayne ... |
1353 | Pacific Northwest College of Art | Portland |
1354 | California Western School of Law | San Diego |
1355 | College of Saint Mary | Omaha |
1356 | Goldey-Beacom College | Wilmington |
1357 | St. Louis College of Pharmacy | St. Louis |
1358 | Union College | Barbourville |
1359 | Reinhardt University | Waleska |
1360 | Waynesburg University | Waynesburg |
1361 | St. Joseph's College | Brooklyn ... |
1362 | Marygrove College | Detroit |
1363 | Northwest Florida State College | Niceville |
1364 | Cranbrook Academy of Art | Bloomfield Hills |
1365 | Walsh College | Troy |
1366 | Southeastern Oklahoma State University | Durant |
1367 | Southwestern Assemblies of God University | Waxahachie |
1368 | Malone University | Canton |
1369 | William Penn University | Oskaloosa |
1370 | Benedict College | Columbia |
1371 | Southern Vermont College | Bennington |
1372 | Waldorf University | Forest City |
1373 | Ouachita Baptist University | Arkadelphia |
1374 | Mary Baldwin University | Staunton |
1375 | University of Advancing Technology | Tempe |
1376 | Daniel Webster College | Nashua |
1377 | Tiffin University | Tiffin ... |
1378 | LIM College | New York City |
1379 | Avila University | Kansas City |
1380 | MacMurray College | Jacksonville |
1381 | Ursuline College | Pepper Pike |
1382 | Saybrook University | San Francisco |
1383 | Bethany College | Bethany |
1384 | Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design | Denver |
1385 | Texas Lutheran University | Seguin |
1386 | SUNY Cobleskill | Cobleskill |
1387 | Marian University | Fond du Lac |
1388 | Fairmont State University | Fairmont |
1389 | Georgia Southwestern State University | Americus |
1390 | West Virginia University at Parkersburg | Parkersburg |
1391 | Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design | Milwaukee |
1392 | College of Saint Elizabeth | Morristown |
1393 | St. Augustine's University | Raleigh |
1394 | Hope International University | Fullerton |
1395 | Randolph College | Lynchburg |
1396 | MGH Institute of Health Professions | Boston |
1397 | Columbia Basin College | Pasco |
1398 | Graceland University | Lamoni |
1399 | Mount Vernon Nazarene University | Mount Vernon ... |
1400 | North Central University | Minneapolis |
1401 | Anderson University | Anderson |
1402 | Midway University | Midway |
1403 | The College of Idaho | Caldwell |
1404 | Corban University | Salem ... |
1405 | University of Arkansas - Fort Smith | Fort Smith |
1406 | Centenary University | Hackettstown |
1407 | Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis | Brookline ... |
1408 | Mars Hill University | Mars Hill |
1409 | LaGrange College | LaGrange |
1410 | Culver-Stockton College | Canton |
1411 | Warner University | Lake Wales |
1412 | Vermont Technical College | Randolph Center |
1413 | Castleton University | Castleton |
1414 | Notre Dame College | Cleveland |
1415 | Erskine College | Due West |
1416 | Dickinson State University | Dickinson |
1417 | Limestone College | Gaffney |
1418 | Peru State College | Peru |
1419 | Pacifica Graduate Institute | Carpinteria ... |
1420 | Alderson Broaddus University | Philippi |
1421 | Bethany College | Lindsborg |
1422 | King University | Bristol |
1423 | St. Thomas Aquinas College | Sparkill |
1424 | Midland College | Midland |
1425 | Newbury College | Brookline |
1426 | Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology | Flushing |
1427 | University of Saint Mary | Leavenworth ... |
1428 | Southern University at New Orleans | New Orleans |
1429 | Brescia University | Owensboro |
1430 | Thomas Jefferson School of Law | San Diego |
1431 | William Jewell College | Liberty |
1432 | SUNY College of Optometry | New York City |
1433 | American International College | Springfield |
1434 | Peirce College | Philadelphia |
1435 | Concordia University | Ann Arbor |
1436 | Thiel College | Greenville |
1437 | William Jessup University | Rocklin ... |
1438 | Cazenovia College | Cazenovia |
1439 | New York School of Interior Design | New York City |
1440 | Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology | Boston |
1441 | Langston University | Langston |
1442 | Ohio Dominican University | Columbus |
1443 | Multnomah University | Portland ... |
1444 | Voorhees College | Denmark |
1445 | Bacone College | Muskogee |
1446 | Santa Fe University of Art and Design | Santa Fe |
1447 | The University of Virginia's College at Wise | Wise |
1448 | Lasell College | Newton |
1449 | Bluefield College | Bluefield |
1450 | Huntingdon College | Montgomery |
1451 | Judson University | Elgin ... |
1452 | Lees-McRae College | Banner Elk |
1453 | Bethel College-Indiana | Mishawaka |
1454 | Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences | Kansas City |
1455 | Meharry Medical College | Nashville |
1456 | Spalding University | Louisville |
1457 | Bluefield State College | Bluefield |
1458 | Cleary University | Howell ... |
1459 | Antioch University Santa Barbara | Santa Barbara |
1460 | University of South Carolina-Beaufort | Bluffton |
1461 | Hebrew College | Newton Centre |
1462 | Oklahoma Panhandle State University | Goodwell |
1463 | Union Institute & University | Cincinnati |
1464 | Mount Aloysius College | Cresson |
1465 | Southwest Baptist University | Bolivar |
1466 | Martin Luther College | New Ulm |
1467 | Mitchell College | New London |
1468 | Shimer College | Chicago |
1469 | Maryville College | Maryville |
1470 | Northwestern Oklahoma State University | Alva ... |
1471 | Memphis College of Art | Memphis |
1472 | Catholic Theological Union | Chicago |
1473 | Jarvis Christian College | Hawkins |
1474 | Hodges University | Naples |
1475 | William Woods University | Fulton |
1476 | Siena Heights University | Adrian |
1477 | Finlandia University | Hancock |
1478 | Marymount Manhattan College | New York City |
1479 | Central Penn College | Summerdale |
1480 | College of Coastal Georgia | Brunswick |
1481 | Central Baptist College | Conway |
1482 | Pacific Oaks College | Pasadena |
1483 | University of Great Falls | Great Falls |
1484 | Grand View University | Des Moines |
1485 | Presentation College | Aberdeen |
1486 | Landmark College | Putney |
1487 | Pensacola State College | Pensacola |
1488 | Miles College | Fairfield |
1489 | Adventist University of Health Sciences | Orlando |
1490 | University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma | Chickasha |
1491 | Johnson University | Knoxville ... |
1492 | Madonna University | Livonia ... |
1493 | Nazarene Bible College | Colorado Springs |
1494 | Immaculata University | Immaculata ... |
1495 | West Liberty University | West Liberty |
1496 | Lyndon State College | Lyndonville |
1497 | Ohio Valley University | Vienna |
1498 | Southern Virginia University | Buena Vista |
1499 | Taliesin, the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture | Scottsdale |
1500 | Cumberland University | Lebanon |
1501 | Williams Baptist College | Walnut Ridge |
1502 | Young Harris College | Young Harris |
1503 | Mayville State University | Mayville |
1504 | Northeast Ohio Medical University | Rootstown |
1505 | Cabrini University | Radnor |
1506 | University of North Texas Health Science Center | Fort Worth |
1507 | Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center-Shreveport | Shreveport |
1508 | Alice Lloyd College | Pippa Passes |
1509 | Thomas Aquinas College | Santa Paula |
1510 | Holy Cross College | Notre Dame |
1511 | Nebraska Methodist College | Omaha |
1512 | The University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler | Tyler |
1513 | Fisher College | Boston ... |
1514 | Maranatha Baptist University | Watertown |
1515 | Tennessee Wesleyan University | Athens ... |
1516 | Jefferson College of Health Sciences | Roanoke |
1517 | Goodwin College | East Hartford |
1518 | Northern New Mexico College | Espanola ... |
1519 | Huston-Tillotson University | Austin |
1520 | College of Central Florida | Ocala |
1521 | New York Academy of Art | New York City |
1522 | Wells College | Aurora |
1523 | Emmaus Bible College | Dubuque |
1524 | Lake Washington Institute of Technology | Kirkland |
1525 | Averett University | Danville ... |
1526 | Kentucky Wesleyan College | Owensboro |
1527 | Cleveland University-Kansas City | Overland Park |
1528 | Lourdes University | Sylvania |
1529 | Shaw University | Raleigh |
1530 | Central Methodist University | Fayette |
1531 | The Institute of World Politics | Washington |
1532 | Johnson State College | Johnson |
1533 | Amberton University | Garland |
1534 | College of St. Joseph | Rutland ... |
1535 | Villa Maria College | Buffalo |
1536 | Monmouth College | Monmouth |
1537 | Lane College | Jackson |
1538 | Truett-McConnell University | Cleveland |
1539 | Defiance College | Defiance |
1540 | University of Maine at Presque Isle | Presque Isle ... |
1541 | Cottey College | Nevada |
1542 | Allen University | Columbia |
1543 | West Coast University-Los Angeles | North Hollywood |
1544 | Harris-Stowe State University | St. Louis |
1545 | Bay State College | Boston ... |
1546 | Barton College | Wilson |
1547 | Chipola College | Marianna |
1548 | Cincinnati Christian University | Cincinnati |
1549 | Cairn University | Langhorne ... |
1550 | Webber International University | Babson Park |
1551 | Lincoln University | Oakland |
1552 | North Greenville University | Tigerville |
1553 | Washington Adventist University | Takoma Park |
1554 | Paul Quinn College | Dallas |
1555 | Talladega College | Talladega |
1556 | West Virginia University Institute of Technology | Montgomery |
1557 | Frederick S. Pardee RAND Graduate School | Santa Monica |
1558 | Grace University | Omaha |
1559 | Appalachian Bible College | Mount Hope |
1560 | Air Force Institute of Technology | Wright-Patterson AFB |
1561 | Simpson University | Redding |
1562 | LeMoyne-Owen College | Memphis |
1563 | Art Academy of Cincinnati | Cincinnati |
1564 | Lincoln Christian University | Lincoln |
1565 | Schiller International University | Largo ... |
1566 | Silver Lake College of the Holy Family | Manitowoc |
1567 | Louisiana State University of Alexandria | Alexandria |
1568 | Southern College of Optometry | Memphis |
1569 | Barclay College | Haviland |
1570 | Thomas More College of Liberal Arts | Merrimack |
1571 | Parker University | Dallas |
1572 | East Georgia State College | Swainsboro |
1573 | Columbia College | Columbia |
1574 | Beacon College | Leesburg |
1575 | University of the West | Rosemead |
1576 | The University of Montana Western | Dillon |
1577 | Lake Erie College | Painesville |
1578 | Maryland University of Integrative Health | Laurel |
1579 | Cheyney University of Pennsylvania | Cheyney |
1580 | Clarks Summit University | Clarks Summit |
1581 | Trocaire College | Buffalo |
1582 | Virginia Union University | Richmond |
1583 | New England College of Optometry | Boston |
1584 | Bryn Athyn College | Bryn Athyn |
1585 | Campbellsville University | Campbellsville |
1586 | Barnes-Jewish College Goldfarb School of Nursing | St. Louis |
1587 | Adler Graduate School | Richfield |
1588 | Gordon State College | Barnesville |
1589 | Holy Family University | Philadelphia |
1590 | Bethel College | McKenzie |
1591 | Menlo College | Atherton |
1592 | Mid-America Christian University | Oklahoma City |
1593 | The King's College | New York City |
1594 | San Diego Christian College | Santee |
1595 | Oregon College of Art and Craft | Portland |
1596 | University of Mount Olive | Mount Olive ... |
1597 | South College | Knoxville |
1598 | Glenville State College | Glenville |
1599 | Heritage University | Toppenish |
1600 | Rochester College | Rochester Hills |
1601 | Philander Smith College | Little Rock |
1602 | Wesleyan College | Macon ... |
1603 | Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary | Ankeny |
1604 | William James College | Newton |
1605 | Dunwoody College of Technology | Minneapolis |
1606 | Keystone College | La Plume |
1607 | Montserrat College of Art | Beverly |
1608 | Howard Payne University | Brownwood |
1609 | Indiana University East | Richmond |
1610 | Conway School of Landscape Design | Conway |
1611 | Blue Mountain College | Blue Mountain |
1612 | University of Rio Grande | Rio Grande |
1613 | Louisiana College | Pineville |
1614 | Emmanuel College | Franklin Springs |
1615 | Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology | Berkeley |
1616 | Morris College | Sumter |
1617 | Texas College | Tyler |
1618 | New York College of Podiatric Medicine | New York City |
1619 | Harrisburg University of Science and Technology | Harrisburg |
1620 | Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences | Albany |
1621 | University of Saint Francis | Fort Wayne |
1622 | University of the Southwest | Hobbs |
1623 | Antioch University Seattle | Seattle |
1624 | Capitol Technology University | Laurel |
1625 | Ozark Christian College | Joplin |
1626 | St. Gregory's University | Shawnee |
1627 | Hastings College | Hastings |
1628 | Criswell College | Dallas |
1629 | Midland University | Fremont |
1630 | Roseman University of Health Sciences | Henderson |
1631 | Massachusetts School of Law | Andover |
1632 | Rust College | Holly Springs |
1633 | Central Christian College of Kansas | McPherson |
1634 | Indiana University Kokomo | Kokomo |
1635 | Concordia College-New York | Bronxville |
1636 | Salus University | Elkins Park ... |
1637 | Dallas Christian College | Dallas |
1638 | Pennsylvania College of Art and Design | Lancaster |
1639 | Florida College | Temple Terrace |
1640 | Thomas University | Thomasville |
1641 | Atlanta Metropolitan State College | Atlanta |
1642 | Baptist Memorial College of Health Sciences | Memphis |
1643 | Kansas Wesleyan University | Salina |
1644 | Martin University | Indianapolis |
1645 | Appalachian College of Pharmacy | Oakwood |
1646 | Toccoa Falls College | Toccoa Falls ... |
1647 | Hilbert College | Hamburg |
1648 | Mount Saint Mary's University | Los Angeles |
1649 | Sterling College | Craftsbury Common |
1650 | Holy Apostles College and Seminary | Cromwell |
1651 | Mount Carmel College of Nursing | Columbus |
1652 | University of Western States | Portland |
1653 | Blackburn College | Carlinville |
1654 | Judson College | Marion |
1655 | Everglades University | Boca Raton ... |
1656 | Saint Johns River State College | Palatka |
1657 | Oak Hills Christian College | Bemidji |
1658 | Clear Creek Baptist Bible College | Pineville |
1659 | Aquinas College | Nashville |
1660 | Davis & Elkins College | Elkins |
1661 | Great Lakes Christian College | Lansing |
1662 | Mercy College of Ohio | Toledo |
1663 | Vermont College of Fine Arts | Montpelier |
1664 | Salem International University | Salem |
1665 | Mercy College of Health Sciences | Des Moines |
1666 | Alaska Bible College | Palmer |
1667 | Manhattan Christian College | Manhattan |
1668 | Iowa Wesleyan University | Mount Pleasant |
1669 | Calumet College of St. Joseph | Whiting |
1670 | Western International University | Phoenix |
1671 | Brazosport College | Lake Jackson |
1672 | University of Pikeville | Pikeville |
1673 | Piedmont International University | Winston Salem |
1674 | Stillman College | Tuscaloosa |
1675 | Chowan University | Murfreesboro |
1676 | St Andrews University | Laurinburg |
1677 | University of the Potomac | Washington ... |
1678 | Trinity College of Florida | Trinity |
1679 | Davis College | Johnson City ... |
1680 | Metropolitan College of New York | New York City |
1681 | Watkins College of Art, Design & Film | Nashville |
1682 | Touro University California | Vallejo |
1683 | Urbana University | Urbana ... |
1684 | Central Christian College of the Bible | Moberly ... |
1685 | The College of Westchester | White Plains |
1686 | Hannibal-LaGrange University | Hannibal |
1687 | Columbia College-Hollywood | Tarzana |
1688 | Greensboro College | Greensboro |
1689 | Wiley College | Marshall |
1690 | Gratz College | Melrose Park |
1691 | Western State College of Law at Argosy University | Fullerton |
1692 | Patten University | Oakland |
1693 | Jones College | Jacksonville ... |
1694 | York College | York |
1695 | University of Holy Cross | New Orleans |
1696 | Southern University Law Center | Baton Rouge |
1697 | Florida National University | Hialeah |
1698 | Palo Alto University | Palo Alto |
1699 | VanderCook College of Music | Chicago |
1700 | Marshall B. Ketchum University | Fullerton ... |
1701 | West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine | Lewisburg |
1702 | Martin Methodist College | Pulaski |
1703 | Humphreys University | Stockton |
1704 | Wilberforce University | Wilberforce |
1705 | Crossroads College | Rochester |
1706 | Trinity Bible College | Ellendale |
1707 | Life Pacific College | San Dimas |
1708 | The Baptist College of Florida | Graceville ... |
1709 | Arizona Christian University | Phoenix |
1710 | Relay Graduate School of Education | New York City |
1711 | St. Vincent's College | Bridgeport |
1712 | Point University | West Point |
1713 | University of Maine at Fort Kent | Fort Kent |
1714 | Brewton-Parker College | Mount Vernon |
1715 | Livingstone College | Salisbury |
1716 | University of Valley Forge | Phoenixville |
1717 | Arkansas Baptist College | Little Rock |
1718 | Illinois College of Optometry | Chicago |
1719 | Clarkson College | Omaha |
1720 | God's Bible School and College | Cincinnati |
1721 | Oakland City University | Oakland City |
1722 | Baptist Bible College | Springfield |
1723 | Kentucky Christian University | Grayson |
1724 | Kuyper College | Grand Rapids |
1725 | Welch College | Nashville |
1726 | Centralia College | Centralia |
1727 | Lincoln College | Lincoln |
1728 | Allen College | Waterloo |
1729 | Webb Institute | Glen Cove |
1730 | Marymount California University | Rancho Palos Verdes |
1731 | Briarcliffe College | Bethpage |
1732 | Harrington College of Design | Chicago |
1733 | Lake Forest Graduate School of Management | Lake Forest |
1734 | National Labor College | Silver Spring |
1735 | Resurrection University | Chicago |
1736 | Saint Anthony College of Nursing | Rockford |
1737 | Lincoln College of New England | Southington ... |
1738 | Virginia Intermont College | Bristol |
1739 | Phillips Graduate University | Chatsworth ... |
1740 | The University of West Los Angeles | Inglewood |
1741 | Mid-Atlantic Christian University | Elizabeth City |
1742 | University of the Rockies | Colorado Springs |
1743 | Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions | Provo |
1744 | East-West University | Chicago |
1745 | Florida Gateway College | Lake City |
1746 | Grace Bible College | Wyoming |
1747 | Our Lady of the Lake College | Baton Rouge |
1748 | Laguna College of Art and Design | Laguna Beach |
1749 | Nevada State College | Henderson |
1750 | Midstate College | Peoria |
1751 | Jamestown Business College | Jamestown |
1752 | Boise Bible College | Boise |
1753 | Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia | Madison |
1754 | South Georgia State College | Douglas |
1755 | Southeastern Bible College | Birmingham |
1756 | Calvary University | Kansas City |
1757 | Arlington Baptist College | Arlington |
1758 | Labouré College | Milton |
1759 | Donnelly College | Kansas City |
1760 | Five Towns College | Dix Hills |
1761 | Sofia University | Palo Alto |
1762 | Kettering College | Kettering |
1763 | Northwest Christian University | Eugene |
1764 | Neumont University | Salt Lake City |
1765 | Nebraska Christian College | Papillion |
1766 | Pillar College | Newark ... |
1767 | Columbia College of Nursing | Glendale |
1768 | Concordia College Alabama | Selma |
1769 | Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception | Washington |
1770 | Boricua College | New York City |
1771 | The King's University | Southlake |
1772 | Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine | Scranton |
1773 | Southwestern Christian University | Bethany ... |
1774 | San Joaquin College of Law | Clovis |
1775 | Touro University Worldwide | Los Alamitos |
1776 | Southwestern College | Santa Fe |
1777 | The Wright Institute | Berkeley |
1778 | Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing | Peoria |
1779 | Saint Augustine College | Chicago |
1780 | Maria College | Albany |
1781 | Heritage Christian University | Florence |
1782 | Cox College | Springfield |
1783 | Northpoint Bible College | Haverhill |
1784 | New Hope Christian College | Eugene |
1785 | Saint Luke's College of Health Sciences | Kansas City |
1786 | College of Biblical Studies | Houston |
1787 | Cabarrus College of Health Sciences | Concord |
1788 | Lakeview College of Nursing | Danville |
1789 | Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing | Quincy |
1790 | American Baptist College | Nashville |
1791 | Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences | Lancaster |
1792 | Richmont Graduate University | Chattanooga |
1793 | Bellin College | Green Bay |
1794 | Wade College | Dallas |
1795 | Tri-State Bible College | South Point |
1796 | Michigan School of Professional Psychology | Farmington Hills |
1797 | United States University | Chula Vista |
1798 | Research College of Nursing | Kansas City |
1799 | Beulah Heights University | Atlanta |
1800 | Ecclesia College | Springdale |
1801 | Baptist University of the Americas | San Antonio |
1802 | The National Graduate School of Quality Management | Falmouth ... |
1803 | St. Louis Christian College | Florissant |
1804 | John Wesley University | High Point ... |
1805 | Trinity College of Nursing & Health Sciences | Rock Island |
1806 | Crowley's Ridge College | Paragould |
1807 | Crossroads Bible College | Indianapolis |
1808 | Methodist College | Peoria |
1809 | Wisconsin School of Professional Psychology | Milwaukee |
1810 | Plaza College | New York City |
1811 | Good Samaritan College of Nursing and Health Science | Cincinnati |
1812 | Southwest University of Visual Arts | Tucson ... |
1813 | Denver School of Nursing | Denver |
1814 | Bryan College of Health Sciences | Lincoln |
1815 | John Paul the Great Catholic University | Escondido |
1816 | Rocky Vista University | Parker |
1817 | Providence Christian College | Pasadena |
1818 | WON Institute of Graduate Studies | Glenside |
1819 | Helene Fuld College of Nursing | New York City |
1820 | Southeastern Baptist College | Laurel |
1821 | Bethesda University | Anaheim |
1822 | Northeast Catholic College | Warner |
Un | Irell and Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences | Duarte |
Un | The New England Institute of Art | Brookline |
Un | Ohio University-Chillicothe | Chillicothe |
Un | Ohio University Southern | Ironton |
Un | Mayo Medical School | Rochester |
Un | American Film Institute Conservatory | Los Angeles |
Un | The Art Institute of Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh ... |
bmkim 7309 Views
일본 대학 순위 2017 - Japanese University Ranking 2017
Rank | University | Location |
1 | The University of Tokyo | Tokyo ... |
2 | Keio University | Tokyo ... |
3 | Kyoto University | Kyoto |
4 | Osaka University | Suita |
5 | Tohoku University | Sendai |
6 | University of Tsukuba | Tsukuba ... |
7 | Kyushu University | Fukuoka |
8 | Nagoya University | Nagoya |
9 | Waseda University | Tokyo |
10 | Hokkaido University | Sapporo ... |
11 | Tokyo Institute of Technology | Tokyo |
12 | Ritsumeikan University | Kyoto |
13 | Hiroshima University | Hiroshima ... |
14 | Kobe University | Kobe |
15 | Nihon University | Tokyo |
16 | Meiji University | Tokyo |
17 | Doshisha University | Kyoto |
18 | Okayama University | Okayama |
19 | Tokai University | Tokyo |
20 | Hosei University | Tokyo |
21 | Tokyo University of Science | Tokyo ... |
22 | Shinshu University | Matsumoto ... |
23 | Kindai University | Higashiosaka ... |
24 | Niigata University | Niigata |
25 | Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology | Nomi |
26 | Gunma University | Maebashi |
27 | The University of Electro-Communications | Chofu |
28 | Chuo University | Hachioji ... |
29 | Rikkyo University | Tokyo |
30 | Sophia University | Tokyo |
31 | Nagasaki University | Nagasaki |
32 | Chiba University | Chiba ... |
33 | Ryukoku University | Kyoto ... |
34 | Tokyo University of Foreign Studies | Fuchu |
35 | Kansai University | Suita |
36 | Mie University | Tsu |
37 | Kanazawa University | Kanazawa |
38 | Toyo University | Tokyo ... |
39 | Yamagata University | Yamagata ... |
40 | Aoyama Gakuin University | Tokyo |
41 | Kagoshima University | Kagoshima |
42 | Shizuoka University | Shizuoka ... |
43 | Kumamoto University | Kumamoto |
44 | Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology | Fuchu ... |
45 | Gifu University | Gifu |
46 | Tokyo Medical and Dental University | Tokyo ... |
47 | Fukuoka University | Fukuoka |
48 | Osaka City University | Osaka |
49 | Hitotsubashi University | Kunitachi |
50 | Yokohama National University | Yokohama |
51 | Ehime University | Matsuyama ... |
52 | Tokyo University of the Arts | Tokyo ... |
53 | Kyoto Sangyo University | Kyoto |
54 | University of the Ryukyus | Nishihara ... |
55 | Yamaguchi University | Yamaguchi ... |
56 | The University of Tokushima | Tokushima |
57 | Kwansei Gakuin University | Nishinomiya ... |
58 | University of Toyama | Toyama |
59 | Nagoya Institute of Technology | Nagoya ... |
60 | Kyushu Institute of Technology | Kitakyushu ... |
61 | Kitasato University | Tokyo |
62 | Tokyo Women's Medical University | Tokyo |
63 | Toyohashi University of Technology | Toyohashi |
64 | Tokyo Metropolitan University | Hachioji |
65 | Saitama University | Saitama |
66 | Nanzan University | Nagoya ... |
67 | Hirosaki University | Hirosaki |
68 | Gakushuin University | Tokyo |
69 | Osaka Prefecture University | Sakai |
70 | University of Yamanashi | Kofu ... |
71 | Tokyo Gakugei University | Koganei |
72 | Teikyo University | Tokyo |
73 | Nara Institute of Science and Technology | Ikoma |
74 | Shimane University | Matsue |
75 | Toho University | Tokyo |
76 | Kochi University | Kochi |
77 | University of Miyazaki | Miyazaki |
78 | Tottori University | Tottori |
79 | Akita University | Akita City |
80 | Kagawa University | Takamatsu |
81 | Wakayama University | Wakayama |
82 | Kanagawa University | Yokohama |
83 | Saga University | Saga |
84 | Shibaura Institute of Technology | Tokyo |
85 | Kanazawa Institute of Technology | Nonoichi |
86 | Ochanomizu University | Tokyo |
87 | Iwate University | Morioka |
88 | International Christian University | Mitaka |
89 | Health Sciences University of Hokkaido | Ishikari |
90 | University of Aizu | Aizuwakamatsu |
91 | Musashino Art University | Kodaira-shi |
92 | Nagaoka University of Technology | Nagaoka |
93 | Kyoto Institute of Technology | Kyoto |
94 | Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University | Beppu |
95 | Senshu University | Tokyo |
96 | Tokyo Denki University | Tokyo |
97 | Soka University | Hachioji |
98 | Tokyo University of Agriculture | Tokyo ... |
99 | Yokohama City University | Yokohama |
100 | Juntendo University | Tokyo |
101 | Tama Art University | Tokyo |
102 | Meiji Gakuin University | Tokyo ... |
103 | Kokugakuin University | Tokyo |
104 | Kogakuin University | Tokyo |
105 | Utsunomiya University | Utsunomiya |
106 | Oita University | Oita |
107 | Jichi Medical University | Tochigi |
108 | Tokyo Medical University | Tokyo |
109 | Tokyo International University | Kawagoe |
110 | Chubu University | Kasugai |
111 | Chukyo University | Nagoya ... |
112 | Showa University | Tokyo |
113 | Nagoya City University | Nagoya |
114 | Ibaraki University | Mito ... |
115 | Meisei University | Hino ... |
116 | Osaka Kyoiku University | Kashiwara |
117 | Nippon Medical School | Tokyo |
118 | Meijo University | Nagoya |
119 | Hiroshima Institute of Technology | Hiroshima |
120 | Kyoto Seika Daigaku | Kyoto |
121 | Tokyo Keizai University | Tokyo ... |
122 | Komazawa University | Tokyo |
123 | Kyorin University | Mitaka |
124 | Kurume University | Kurume |
125 | Shiga University of Medical Science | Otsu |
126 | Jikei University School of Medicine | Tokyo |
127 | Shiga University | Hikone |
128 | Tokyo University of Technology | Hachioji |
129 | Obirin Daigaku | Machida |
130 | Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology | Tokyo |
131 | Tokyo City University | Tokyo |
132 | Chiba Institute of Technology | Narashino |
133 | Hiroshima City University | Hiroshima |
134 | Seikei University | Musashino |
135 | Kyoto University of Art and Design | Kyoto |
136 | Fujita Health University | Toyoake |
137 | University of Shizuoka | Shizuoka |
138 | Nara Women's University | Nara |
139 | Mukogawa Women's University | Nishinomiya |
140 | Tohoku Gakuin University | Sendai |
141 | Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine | Kyoto |
142 | Kochi University of Technology | Kami |
143 | Aichi University of Education | Kariya |
144 | Aichi University | Nagoya ... |
145 | Tohoku University of Art and Design | Yamagata |
146 | Bunkyo University | Koshigaya ... |
147 | Tokyo Polytechnic University | Tokyo |
148 | Japan Women's University | Tokyo ... |
149 | Fukushima Medical University | Fukushima |
150 | Konan University | Kobe |
151 | Saitama Medical School | Moroyama |
152 | Dokkyo Medical University | Tochigi |
153 | Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences | Ogaki |
154 | Hokkaido University of Education | Sapporo ... |
155 | Muroran Institute of Technology | Muroran |
156 | Okayama University of Science | Okayama |
157 | Takushoku University | Tokyo ... |
158 | Bukkyo University | Kyoto |
159 | Miyagi University of Education | Sendai |
160 | Asahikawa Medical University | Asahikawa |
161 | Daito Bunka University | Tokyo ... |
162 | Kyushu Sangyo University | Fukuoka |
163 | Seinan Gakuin University | Fukuoka |
164 | Tokyo University of Science, Yamaguchi | Sanyo-Onoda |
165 | Fukuoka Institute of Technology | Fukuoka |
166 | Iwate Prefectural University | Iwate |
167 | Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts | Kyotanabe |
168 | Osaka Sangyo University | Daito |
169 | Hamamatsu University School of Medicine | Hamamatsu |
170 | University of Fukui | Fukui ... |
171 | Dokkyo University | Soka |
172 | Kobe Gakuin University | Kobe |
173 | Showa Women's University | Tokyo ... |
174 | International University of Health and Welfare | Otawara |
175 | Future University Hakodate | Hakodate |
176 | Tokyo Woman's Christian University | Tokyo |
177 | Osaka Institute of Technology | Osaka |
178 | Kokushikan University | Tokyo |
179 | Nihon Fukushi University | Chita ... |
180 | University of Hyogo | Kobe |
181 | Kagawa Prefectural College of Health Sciences | Takamatsu |
182 | Matsuyama University | Matsuyama |
183 | Otaru University of Commerce | Otaru |
184 | International University of Japan | Minami Uonuma-shi |
185 | Kyoto Notre Dame University | Kyoto |
186 | National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies | Tokyo |
187 | Fukushima University | Fukushima |
188 | Asia University | Musashino |
189 | Kyoto University of Foreign Studies | Kyoto |
190 | Sapporo Medical University | Sapporo |
191 | Musashino University | Nishitokyo |
192 | Nara University of Education | Nara |
193 | Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine | Obihiro |
194 | Naruto University of Education | Naruto |
195 | Chiba University of Commerce | Ichikawa |
196 | The University of Kitakyushu | Kitakyushu |
197 | Kyoto Women's University | Kyoto |
198 | Iwate Medical University | Morioka |
199 | Otemae University | Nishinomiya ... |
200 | Okayama Prefectural University | Soja |
201 | Nara Medical University | Kashihara |
202 | Kyoto City University of Arts | Kyoto |
203 | The University of Shiga Prefecture | Hikone |
204 | Hyogo College of Medicine | Nishinomiya |
205 | Kansai Medical University | Moriguchi |
206 | Kyoritsu Women's University | Tokyo |
207 | Tokyo University of Information Sciences | Chiba |
208 | Kyoto University of Education | Kyoto |
209 | St. Luke's International University | Tokyo |
210 | Osaka University of Arts | Kanan |
211 | St. Marianna University School of Medicine | Kawasaki |
212 | Tohoku Fukushi University | Sendai |
213 | Rissho University | Tokyo |
214 | Kanazawa Medical University | Kahoku |
215 | Hyogo University of Teacher Education | Kato |
216 | Tokyo Dental College | Chiba |
217 | Nippon Institute of Technology | Miyashiro |
218 | Kansai Gaidai University | Hirakata |
219 | Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science | Hachioji |
220 | Yasuda Women's University | Hiroshima |
221 | University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan | Kitakyushu |
222 | Kitami Institute of Technology | Kitami |
223 | Josai University | Sakado |
224 | Digital Hollywood University | Tokyo |
225 | Kanto Gakuin University | Yokohama |
226 | Aichi Medical University | Nagakute |
227 | Reitaku University | Kashiwa |
228 | Joetsu University of Education | Joetsu |
229 | Kinjo Gakuin University | Nagoya |
230 | Tamagawa University | Machida |
231 | Josai International University | Togane |
232 | Nagoya University of Commerce and Business Administration | Nisshin |
233 | The Nippon Dental University | Tokyo ... |
234 | Setsunan University | Neyagawa |
235 | Otani University | Kyoto |
236 | Graduate School of Management, Globis University | Tokyo ... |
237 | Tsuda College | Kodaira |
238 | Tokyo Kasei University | Tokyo |
239 | Joshibi University of Art and Design | Sagamihara ... |
240 | Kyoto Tachibana University | Kyoto |
241 | Osaka Medical College | Takatsuki |
242 | Aichi Prefectural University | Nagakute |
243 | Jissen Women's University | Hino |
244 | Hokusei Gakuen University | Sapporo |
245 | Seijo University | Tokyo |
246 | Sugiyama Jogakuen University | Nagoya |
247 | Sojo University | Kumamoto |
248 | Taisho University | Tokyo |
249 | Musashi University | Tokyo |
250 | Tsukuba University of Technology | Tsukuba |
251 | Kyoto Prefectural University | Kyoto |
252 | Tokushima Bunri University | Tokushima |
253 | Otemon Gakuin University | Ibaraki |
254 | The Graduate University for Advanced Studies | Miura |
255 | Wakayama Medical University | Wakayama |
256 | Tokyo University of Science, Suwa | Chino |
257 | Shukutoku University | Chiba |
258 | Akita International University | Akita |
259 | Rakuno Gakuen University | Ebetsu |
260 | Teikyo Heisei University | Ichihara |
261 | Hiroshima Shudo University | Hiroshima |
262 | Bunkyo Gakuin University | Tokyo |
263 | Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology | Fukuroi |
264 | Kobe Design University | Kobe |
265 | Nippon Sport Science University | Tokyo |
266 | Momoyama Gakuin University | Izumi |
267 | Osaka Electro-Communication University | Neyagawa |
268 | Asahi University | Gifu |
269 | Toyo Eiwa University | Yokohama |
270 | Hanazono University | Kyoto |
271 | Miyagi University | Sendai |
272 | Osaka University of Economics | Osaka |
273 | Aichi Shukutoku University | Nagoya |
274 | Azabu University | Sagamihara |
275 | The University of Shimane | Hamada |
276 | Mejiro University | Tokyo |
277 | Hokkaido University of Science | Sapporo |
278 | Sapporo Gakuin University | Ebetsu |
279 | Kyoto Koka Women's University | Kyoto |
280 | Kumamoto Gakuen University | Kumamoto |
281 | Fukuoka University of Education | Munakata |
282 | Kurashiki University of Science and the Arts | Kurashiki |
283 | Wakkanai Hokusei Gakuen College | Wakkanai |
284 | Niigata Seiryo University | Niigata |
285 | Wako University | Machida |
286 | Senzoku Gakuen College of Music | Kawasaki |
287 | Meikai University | Urayasu ... |
288 | Fukui Prefectural University | Eiheiji |
289 | Tenri University | Tenri |
290 | Kanazawa College of Art | Kanazawa |
291 | Tama University | Tama-shi ... |
292 | Tokyo Zokei University | Hachioji |
293 | Kanagawa Institute of Technology | Atsugi |
294 | Hannan University | Matsubara |
295 | Saitama Institute of Technology | Fukaya |
296 | Toyama Prefectural University | Imizu |
297 | Tsurumi University | Yokohama |
298 | Shizuoka University of Art and Culture | Hamamatsu |
299 | Edogawa University | Nagareyama |
300 | Hiroshima International University | Hiroshima |
301 | Takasaki City University of Economics | Takasaki |
302 | Sapporo University | Sapporo |
303 | Hokkaido Information University | Ebetsu |
304 | Nakamura Gakuen University | Fukuoka |
305 | Kobe College | Nishinomiya |
306 | Shonan Institute of Technology | Fujisawa |
307 | Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies | Nagasaki |
308 | Tohoku Institute of Technology | Sendai |
309 | Otsuma Women's University | Tokyo |
310 | Yamanashi Gakuin University | Kofu |
311 | Tokoha University | Hamamatsu |
312 | Hiroshima University of Economics | Hiroshima |
313 | Chubu Gakuin University | Seki |
314 | Toin University of Yokohama | Yokohama |
315 | Tokiwa University | Mito |
316 | Himeji Dokkyo University | Himeji |
317 | Osaka International University | Moriguchi |
318 | Showa University of Music | Kawasaki |
319 | Kunitachi College of Music | Tachikawa-shi |
320 | Sagami Women's University | Sagamihara |
321 | Cyber University | Fukuoka |
322 | Konan Women's University | Kobe |
323 | Kagawa Nutrition University | Sakado |
324 | Nagano University | Ueda |
325 | Niigata University of Health and Welfare | Niigata |
326 | Surugadai University | Hanno |
327 | Ferris University | Yokohama |
328 | Iwaki Meisei University | Iwaki |
329 | Ryutsu Keizai University | Ryugasaki ... |
330 | Nagaoka Institute of Design | Nagaoka |
331 | Tezukayama University | Nara |
332 | Nara University | Nara |
333 | Kyoto Gakuen University | Kameoka |
334 | Gakushuin Women's College | Tokyo |
335 | Aichi Gakuin University | Nisshin |
336 | Hokkai-Gakuen University | Sapporo ... |
337 | Sanno University | Isehara |
338 | Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences | Ami |
339 | Meiji Pharmaceutical University | Kiyose |
340 | Atomi University | Niiza |
341 | Osaka Gakuin University | Suita City |
342 | Baika Women's University | Ibaraki |
343 | Daido University | Nagoya |
344 | Fukuyama University | Fukuyama |
345 | Kobe Shoin Women's University | Kobe |
346 | Prefectural University of Hiroshima | Hiroshima ... |
347 | Hachinohe Institute of Technology | Hachinohe |
348 | Bunka Gakuen University | Tokyo |
349 | Prefectural University of Kumamoto | Kumamoto |
350 | Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science | Nagasaki |
351 | Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University | Gifu |
352 | Niigata Institute of Technology | Kashiwazaki |
353 | Seisen University | Tokyo |
354 | Chuo Gakuin University | Abiko |
355 | Shobi University | Kawagoe |
356 | Miyagi Gakuin Women's University | Sendai |
357 | Ashikaga Institute of Technology | Ashikaga |
358 | Kobe City University of Foreign Studies | Kobe |
359 | Aichi Sangyo University | Okazaki |
360 | Aomori University | Aomori |
361 | Nishogakusha University | Tokyo |
362 | Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts | Naha |
363 | Siebold University of Nagasaki | Nagayo |
364 | Shikoku University | Tokushima |
365 | Osaka University of Economics and Law | Yao |
366 | Nagoya University of Arts | Kitanagoya |
367 | Sonoda Women's University | Amagasaki |
368 | University of the Sacred Heart | Tokyo |
369 | Osaka Shoin Women's University | Higashiosaka |
370 | Shirayuri College | Chofu |
371 | Teikyo University of Science and Technology | Uenohara |
372 | University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences | Kobe |
373 | Musashino Academia Musicae | Tokyo |
374 | Osaka Dental University | Hirakata |
375 | Wayo Women's University | Ichikawa |
376 | Meio University | Nago |
377 | Gunma Prefectural Women's University | Tamamura |
378 | Shujitsu University | Okayama |
379 | Nagoya University of Foreign Studies | Nagoya |
380 | Saitama Prefectural University | Koshigaya |
381 | Seitoku University | Matsudo |
382 | The University of Okinawa | Naha |
383 | Toyo Gakuen University | Tokyo ... |
384 | Shitennoji University | Habikino |
385 | Kanagawa Dental University | Yokusuka |
386 | Yamaguchi Prefectural University | Yamaguchi |
387 | Kyoto Bunkyo University | Uji |
388 | Osaka University of Commerce | Higashiosaka |
389 | Okinawa International University | Ginowan |
390 | Miyazaki Municipal University | Miyazaki |
391 | Akita Prefectural University | Akita |
392 | Osaka College of Music | Toyonaka |
393 | Hiroshima Jogakuin University | Hiroshima |
394 | Niigata University of International and Information Studies | Niigata |
395 | Fukuoka Women's University | Fukuoka |
396 | Tsuru University | Tsuru |
397 | Kobe Pharmaceutical University | Kobe |
398 | Ibaraki Christian University | Hitachi |
399 | Suzuka University of Medical Science | Suzuka |
400 | Yamanashi Prefectural University | Kofu |
401 | Dohto University | Kitahiroshima |
402 | Matsuyama Shinonome College | Matsuyama |
403 | Nippon Bunri University | Oita |
404 | Toyota Technological Institute | Nagoya |
405 | Seian University of Art and Design | Otsu |
406 | Hyogo University | Kakogawa |
407 | Takarazuka University of Art and Design | Takarazuka |
408 | Kyushu Dental College | Kitakyushu |
409 | Tottori University of Environmental Studies | Tottori |
410 | Nagoya Bunri University | Inazawa |
411 | Showa Pharmaceutical University | Machida |
412 | Gifu Pharmaceutical University | Gifu |
413 | Osaka Ohtani University | Tondabayashi |
414 | The Japanese Red Cross College of Nursing | Tokyo |
415 | Aichi Institute of Technology | Toyota |
416 | Ohu University | Koriyama |
417 | Hakuoh University | Oyama |
418 | The International University of Kagoshima | Kagoshima |
419 | Kaetsu University | Tokyo |
420 | Yokkaichi University | Yokkaichi |
421 | Matsumoto Dental University | Shiojiri |
422 | Soai University | Osaka |
423 | Keisen University | Tama |
424 | Kansai University of Welfare Sciences | Kashiwara |
425 | Aomori Public University | Aomori |
426 | Tokyo Kasei-Gakuin University | Tokyo |
427 | Kogakkan University | Ise |
428 | Maebashi Kyoai Gakuen College | Maebashi |
429 | Bunri University of Hospitality | Sayama |
430 | Jumonji University | Niiza |
431 | Doho University | Nagoya |
432 | Chiba Institute of Science | Choshi |
433 | Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music | Nagakute |
434 | Aomori University of Health and Welfare | Aomori |
435 | Gifu Keizai University | Ogaki |
436 | Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences | Takatsuki |
437 | National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya | Kanoya |
438 | Fukuoka Jo Gakuin University | Fukuoka |
439 | Nagoya Women's University | Nagoya |
440 | Shiraume Gakuen University | Kodaira |
441 | Gifu Women's University | Gifu |
442 | Notre Dame Seishin University | Okayama |
443 | Institute of Technologists | Gyoda |
444 | Nishinippon Institute of Technology | Kanda |
445 | Shizuoka Sangyo University | Iwata |
446 | Shimonoseki City University | Shimonoseki |
447 | Keiai University | Chiba |
448 | Nagasaki International University | Nagasaki |
449 | Asahikawa University | Asahikawa |
450 | Fukui University of Technology | Fukui |
451 | Kyushu Kyoritsu University | Kitakyushu |
452 | Kansai University of International Studies | Miki |
453 | Japan Women's College of Physical Education | Tokyo |
454 | Sapporo International University | Sapporo |
455 | Tohoku University of Community Service and Science | Sakata |
456 | Tohoku Bunka Gakuen University | Sendai |
457 | Nagoya Gakuin University | Nagoya |
458 | Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University | Hiroshima |
459 | Heian Jogakuin University | Osaka |
460 | Hoshi University | Tokyo |
461 | Seigakuin University | Ageo |
462 | Tezukayama Gakuin University | Osakasayama |
463 | Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology | Tokyo |
464 | Kyushu International University | Kitakyushu |
465 | Hokkaido Bunkyo University | Eniwa |
466 | Sakushin Gakuin University | Utsunomiya |
467 | Kanazawa Gakuin University | Kanazawa |
468 | University of Human Arts and Sciences | Saitama |
469 | Yokohama College of Commerce | Yokohama |
470 | Hokkaido Pharmaceutical University School of Pharmacy | Otaru |
471 | Tokai Gakuen University | Miyoshi |
472 | Meiji University of Integrative Medicine | Hiyoshi |
473 | Hijiyama University | Hiroshima |
474 | Maebashi Institute of Technology | Maebashi |
475 | Kyoto Saga University of Arts | Kyoto |
476 | Kurume Institute of Technology | Kurume |
477 | Nagasaki Junshin Catholic University | Nagasaki |
478 | National Fisheries University | Shimonoseki |
479 | Ueno Gakuen University | Tokyo |
480 | Kwassui Women's College | Nagasaki |
481 | Nagoya Keizai University | Nagoya |
482 | Hokusho University | Ebetsu |
483 | Kobe Shinwa Women's University | Kobe |
484 | Kanazawa Seiryo University | Kanazawa |
485 | Mimasaka University | Tsuyama |
486 | Toyama University of International Studies | Toyama |
487 | Nishikyushu University | Kanzaki |
488 | Elisabeth University of Music | Hiroshima |
489 | International Budo University | Katsuura |
490 | Den-en Chofu University | Kawasaki |
491 | Shikoku Gakuin University | Zentsuji |
492 | Kyoto Pharmaceutical University | Kyoto |
493 | Tokyo University of Social Welfare | Tokyo |
494 | Hakodate University | Hakodate |
495 | Kushiro Public University of Economics | Kushiro |
496 | Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University | Musashino |
497 | Sendai University | Shibata |
498 | Kobe International University | Kobe |
499 | Onomichi University | Onomichi |
500 | Koriyama Women's University | Koriyama |
501 | Kyushu University of Nursing and Social Welfare | Tamana |
502 | Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences | Niigata |
503 | Kyushu University of Health and Welfare | Nobeoka |
504 | Beppu University | Beppu |
505 | Oita University of Nursing and Health Sciences | Oita |
506 | Bunsei University of Art | Utsunomiya |
507 | Keiwa College | Shibata |
508 | Hachinohe University | Hachinohe |
509 | Kanagawa University of Human Services | Yokosuka |
510 | Ashiya University | Ashiya |
511 | Koyasan University | Mount Koya |
512 | Kobe Yamate University | Kobe |
513 | Nagoya Zokei University of Art and Design | Komaki |
514 | Shigakukan University | Aira |
515 | Sendai Shirayuri Women's College | Sendai |
516 | Tenshi College | Sapporo |
517 | Japan College of Social Work | Kiyose |
518 | Shumei University | Yachiyo |
519 | Heisei International University | Kazo |
520 | Kamakura Women's University | Kamakura |
521 | Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences | Nisshin |
522 | Kansai University of Social Welfare | Ako |
523 | Aomori Chuo Gakuin University | Aomori |
524 | Tokyo College of Music | Tokyo |
525 | Seirei Christopher University | Hamamatsu |
526 | Nagoya Sangyo University | Owariasahi |
527 | Tokyo Women's College of Physical Education | Kunitachi |
528 | Yamagata Prefectural University of Health Sciences | Yamagata |
529 | Tohoku Pharmaceutical University | Sendai |
530 | Tsukuba Gakuin University | Tsukuba |
531 | Kawamura Gakuen Women's University | Abiko |
532 | Institute of Information Security | Yokohama |
533 | Okayama Shoka University | Okayama |
534 | Tokuyama University | Tokuyama |
535 | Osaka Seikei University | Osaka |
536 | Mie Prefectural College of Nursing | Tsu |
537 | Chukyo Gakuin University | Nakatsugawa |
538 | Miyazaki Sangyo-keiei University | Miyazaki |
539 | Takamatsu University | Takamatsu |
540 | Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing | Naha |
541 | Sapporo City University | Sapporo ... |
542 | Hagoromo University of International Studies | Sakai |
543 | Poole Gakuin University | Sakai |
544 | Naragakuen University | Sango |
545 | Aichi Toho University | Nagoya |
546 | Jin-ai University | Echizen |
547 | Fukuoka Prefectural University | Tagawa |
548 | Suzuka International University | Suzuka |
549 | Ohkagakuen University | Toyota |
550 | Biwako Seikei Sport College | Otsu |
551 | Seijoh University | Tokai |
552 | Toho Gakuen School of Music | Chofu |
553 | Fukuyama Heisei University | Fukuyama |
554 | Tokyo Christian University | Inzai |
555 | Toyohashi Sozo University | Toyohashi |
556 | Tokai Gakuin University | Kakamigahara |
557 | Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology | Nagahama |
558 | Takasaki University of Health and Welfare | Takasaki |
559 | Fuji Women's University | Sapporo |
560 | Shokei Gakuin University | Natori |
561 | Jobu University | Isesaki |
562 | Morioka College | Takizawa |
563 | Chiba Keizai University | Chiba |
564 | Tokyo Seitoku University | Yachiyo |
565 | Shijonawate Gakuen University | Daito |
566 | Koshien University | Takarazuka |
567 | Fukuoka Dental College | Fukuoka |
568 | Osaka University of Human Sciences | Osaka |
569 | Niigata College of Nursing | Joetsu |
570 | University of East Asia | Shimonoseki |
571 | Kobe City College of Nursing | Kobe |
572 | Okinawa Christian University | Nishihara |
573 | Nagano College of Nursing | Komagane |
574 | Shuchiin University | Kyoto |
575 | Japan University of Economics | Fukuoka |
576 | Hokuriku University | Kanazawa |
577 | Minami Kyushu University | Miyazaki |
578 | Tokyo Future University | Tokyo |
579 | Chugoku Gakuen University | Okayama |
580 | Seisen Jogakuin College | Nagano |
581 | Tomakomai Komazawa University | Tomakomai |
582 | Kanto Gakuen University | Ota |
583 | Kyushu Women's University | Fukuoka |
584 | Chitose Institute of Science and Technology | Chitose |
585 | Ehime Prefectural University of Health Sciences | Tobe |
586 | Takaoka University of Law | Takaoka |
587 | Baiko Gakuin University | Shimonoseki |
588 | Kyushu Lutheran College | Kumamoto |
589 | Tokyo Fuji University | Tokyo |
590 | Niigata Sangyo University | Kashiwazaki |
591 | Japan Lutheran College | Mitaka |
592 | Gunma Prefectural College of Health Sciences | Maebashi |
593 | Kio University | Koryo |
594 | Sanyo Gakuen University | Okayama |
595 | Kinjo University | Hakusan |
596 | Aichi Bunkyo University | Komaki |
597 | Osaka Jogakuin College | Osaka |
598 | Nayoro City University | Nayoro |
599 | Saitama Gakuen University | Kawaguchi |
600 | Hirosaki Gakuin University | Aomori |
601 | Ishikawa Prefectural University | Nonoichi |
602 | Kurashiki Sakuyo University | Kurashiki |
603 | Aichi University of Technology | Gamagori |
604 | Shigakkan University | Obu |
605 | Niigata University of Management | Kamo |
606 | Nagaoka University | Nagaoka |
607 | Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics | Kyoto |
608 | Kobe Kaisei College | Kobe |
609 | Seinan Jo Gakuin University | Kitakyushu |
610 | Sugino Fashion College | Tokyo |
611 | Nihon Pharmaceutical University | Ina |
612 | Tokyo Health Care University | Tokyo |
613 | Fukuoka International University | Dazaifu |
614 | Takachiho University | Tokyo |
615 | Urawa University | Saitama |
616 | Aikoku Gakuen University | Yotsukaido |
617 | Ube Frontier University | Ube |
618 | Hiroshima Bunkyo Women's University | Hiroshima |
619 | Heisei College of Music | Mifune |
620 | Gifu College of Nursing | Hashima |
621 | Shizuoka Eiwa Gakuin University | Shizuoka |
622 | Tohoku Women's College | Hirosaki |
623 | Komazawa Women's University | Inagi |
624 | Taisei Gakuin University | Sakai |
625 | Kyushu Institute of Information Sciences | Dazaifu |
626 | Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University | Kahoku |
627 | Hamamatsu Gakuin University | Hamamatsu |
628 | Nagoya College of Music | Nagoya |
629 | Yokohama College of Pharmacy | Yokohama |
630 | Nagasaki Wesleyan University | Isahaya |
631 | Osaka University of Tourism | Kumatori |
632 | Kansai University of Health Sciences | Kumatori |
633 | Miyazaki International College | Kiyotake |
634 | Musashino Gakuin University | Sayama |
635 | Toho College of Music | Kawagoe |
636 | Japanese Red Cross Hokkaido College of Nursing | Kitami |
637 | Kobe Institute of Computing | Kobe |
638 | Higashiosaka College | Higashiosaka |
639 | Japanese Red Cross Toyota College of Nursing | Toyota |
640 | Shokei College | Kumamoto |
641 | Hokkai School of Commerce | Sapporo |
642 | Takasaki University of Commerce | Takasaki |
643 | Nihon Bunka University | Hachioji |
644 | Kyushu Nutrition Welfare University | Kitakyushu |
645 | Higashi Nippon International University | Iwaki |
646 | Tohoku Seikatsu Bunka College | Sendai |
647 | Gunma University of Social Welfare | Maebashi |
648 | Gumma Paz College | Takasaki |
649 | Kumamoto Health Science University | Kumamoto |
650 | Akita University of Nursing and Welfare | Odate |
651 | Sapporo Otani University | Sapporo |
652 | International Pacific University | Okayama |
653 | Nihon Institute of Medical Science | Moroyama |
654 | Osaka University of Health and Sport Sciences | Kumatori |
655 | Fukushima College | Fukushima |
656 | Chikushi Jogakuen University | Dazaifu |
657 | Kibi International University | Takahashi |
658 | Daiichi University of Pharmacy | Fukuoka |
659 | St. Catherine University | Matsuyama |
660 | Kyoei University | Kasukabe |
661 | University of Human Environments | Okazaki |
662 | University of Kochi | Kochi |
663 | Osaka Aoyama University | Minoh |
664 | Kinki Health Welfare University | Fukusaki |
665 | The Japanese Red Cross Kyushu International College of Nursing | Munakata |
666 | Okayama Gakuin University | Kurashiki |
667 | International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies | Tokyo |
668 | Daiichi Institute of Technology | Kirishima |
669 | Morinomiya University of Medical Sciences | Osaka |
670 | Saniku Gakuin College | Isumi |
671 | Nara Prefectual University | Nara |
672 | Tokiwakai Gakuen University | Osaka |
673 | Graduate Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies | Niigata |
674 | Senri Kinran University | Suita |
675 | Miyazaki Prefectural Nursing University | Miyazaki |
676 | Aino University | Takatsuki |
677 | Shizuoka University of Welfare | Yaizu |
678 | Matsumoto University | Matsumoto |
679 | Ryotokuji University | Urayasu |
680 | North Asia University | Akita |
681 | Shiseikan University | Hagi |
682 | Tokyo Jogakkan College | Machida |
683 | Hiroshima Bunka Gakuen University | Kure |
684 | Kaichi International University | Kashiwa |
685 | Health Science University | Fujikawaguchiko |
686 | Shoin University | Atsugi |
687 | The Japanese Red Cross Hiroshima College of Nursing | Hatsukaichi |
688 | Minobusan University | Minobu |
689 | Tohto College of Health Sciences | Fukaya |
690 | Utsunomiya Kyowa University | Nasushiobara |
691 | Gifu University of Medical Science | Seki |
692 | Osaka Kawasaki Rehabilitation University | Kaizuka |
693 | Bunka Fashion Graduate University | Tokyo |
694 | Yamanashi Eiwa College | Kofu |
695 | Mie Chukyo University | Matsusaka |
696 | Tokyo Union Theological Seminary | Mitaka |
697 | Fuji University | Hanamaki |
698 | Tokyo Seiei College | Tokyo |
699 | Himeji University | Himeji |
700 | Seibi University | Fukuchiyama |
701 | Kansai University of Nursing and Health Sciences | Awaji |
702 | Fukuoka Social Medical Welfare University | Fukuoka |
703 | Yamaguchi Gakugei College | Yamaguchi |
704 | Aichi Mizuho College | Nagoya ... |
705 | LEC Tokyo Legal Mind University | Tokyo |
706 | Seiwa University | Kisarazu |
707 | Yokkaichi Nursing and Medical Care University | Yokkaichi |
708 | Kyoto College of Medical Science | Nantan |
709 | Korea University | Kodaira |
Un | Kobe Tokiwa University | Kobe |
Un | Tokyo Junshin University | Hachioji |
Un | Tsukuba International University | Tsukuba |
Un | Yashima Gakuen University | Yokohama |
Un | Omiya Law School | Saitama |
Un | Ishinomaki Senshu University | Ishinomaki |
Un | Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare | Kurashiki |
Un | Aichi Gakusen University | Toyota |
Un | Kobe Women's University | Kobe |
Un | Kanda University of International Studies | Chiba |
Un | Kawasaki Medical School | Kurashiki |
Un | Kagoshima Immaculate Heart University | Satsumasendai |
bmkim 8493 Views
2017 프랑스 대학 순위 - French University Ranking
Rank | University | Location |
1 | Université de Strasbourg | Strasbourg |
2 | Université de Lorraine | Nancy |
3 | Université de Bordeaux | Bordeaux ... |
4 | École Normale Supérieure | Paris |
5 | Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis | Nice |
6 | Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 | Villeurbanne |
7 | Université de Caen Normandie | Caen |
8 | Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne | Paris |
9 | Université de Nantes | Nantes ... |
10 | Université Grenoble Alpes | Saint Martin d'Hères |
11 | Université Paris Sud - Paris 11 | Orsay ... |
12 | Université Pierre et Marie Curie | Paris |
13 | École Normale Supérieure de Lyon | Lyon |
14 | Aix-Marseille Université | Marseille |
15 | Université Paris Descartes | Paris |
16 | Université de Rennes 1 | Rennes ... |
17 | École Centrale de Lyon | Ecully |
18 | École Polytechnique | Palaiseau |
19 | Université Lille 1 Sciences et Technologies | Villeneuve-d'Ascq |
20 | Université Lumiere Lyon 2 | Lyon |
21 | Université de Montpellier | Montpellier |
22 | Université de Poitiers | Poitiers |
23 | Université Paris Diderot | Paris |
24 | Université François Rabelais | Tours |
25 | Université d'Angers | Angers |
26 | Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense | Nanterre |
27 | Université de Franche-Comté | Besançon |
28 | Université de Bourgogne | Dijon |
29 | Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble | Grenoble ... |
30 | Université Paris-Sorbonne | Paris |
31 | École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales | Paris |
32 | Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris | Paris ... |
33 | Université de Technologie de Compiègne | Compiegne |
34 | Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès | Toulouse |
35 | Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis | St-Denis ... |
36 | Université Paris 13 | Villetaneuse |
37 | Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon | Lyon |
38 | Université de Rouen | Mont-Saint-Aignan |
39 | Université Charles-de-Gaulle Lille 3 | Villeneuve-d'Ascq |
40 | MINES ParisTech | Paris |
41 | Université Paris Dauphine | Paris |
42 | Université de Picardie Jules Verne | Amiens |
43 | Université de Bretagne Occidentale | Brest |
44 | Université d'Orléans | Orléans |
45 | Université de Limoges | Limoges |
46 | Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne | Reims |
47 | Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 | Paris |
48 | Université Rennes 2 | Rennes |
49 | Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier | Toulouse |
50 | Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines | Versailles |
51 | Université Blaise Pascal | Clermont Ferrand ... |
52 | École Normale Supérieure de Cachan | Cachan |
53 | Université du Maine | Le Mans |
54 | Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne | Créteil |
55 | École Centrale Paris | Châtenay-Malabry |
56 | Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3 | Montpellier |
57 | Université Savoie Mont Blanc | Chambéry ... |
58 | Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 | Lyon |
59 | Université de Haute-Alsace | Mulhouse ... |
60 | Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée | Marne-la-Vallée |
61 | Université de Cergy-Pontoise | Cergy Pontoise |
62 | École Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales | Cergy Pontoise |
63 | École des Hautes Etudes Commerciales | Jouy-en-Josas |
64 | Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour | Pau ... |
65 | Université Lille 2 Droit et Santé | Lille |
66 | Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II | Paris |
67 | Université de Perpignan Via Domitia | Perpignan |
68 | Université Bordeaux Montaigne | Pessac ... |
69 | École des Ponts ParisTech | Champs sur Marne ... |
70 | TELECOM ParisTech | Paris ... |
71 | Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne | Saint-Étienne |
72 | ESCP Europe | Paris ... |
73 | Université de Toulon | La Garde ... |
74 | École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de l'Information et des Bibliothèques | Villeurbanne |
75 | TELECOM Bretagne | Brest ... |
76 | AgroParisTech | Paris ... |
77 | Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis | Valenciennes ... |
78 | EMLYON Business School | Lyon |
79 | Université d'Avignon et des pays de Vaucluse | Avignon |
80 | Université Toulouse 1 Capitole | Toulouse |
81 | Arts et Métiers ParisTech | Paris ... |
82 | École Supérieure d'Electricité | Gif-sur-Yvette ... |
83 | Université de Bretagne Sud | Lorient ... |
84 | Grenoble École de Management | Grenoble ... |
85 | Université d'Auvergne | Clermont Ferrand ... |
86 | École Centrale de Nantes | Nantes |
87 | Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale | Dunkerque ... |
88 | Université de la Rochelle | La Rochelle |
89 | École Nationale d'Administration | Strasbourg |
90 | École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de St-Etienne | Saint-Étienne |
91 | Université de Technologie de Troyes | Troyes |
92 | École des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique | Rennes |
93 | Université du Havre | Le Havre |
94 | ESPCI ParisTech | Paris |
95 | École Nationale de l'Aviation Civile | Toulouse |
96 | Université d'Évry-Val d'Essonne | Evry |
97 | Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse | Toulouse |
98 | Université d'Artois | Arras ... |
99 | École Nationale des Sciences Géographiques | Marne-la-Vallée ... |
100 | École pour l'Informatique et les Techniques Avancées | Le Kremlin-Bicêtre ... |
101 | Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse | Toulouse |
102 | EDHEC Business School | Roubaix ... |
103 | ESIEE Paris | Noisy-le-Grand |
104 | École Centrale de Lille | Lille |
105 | École Nationale de la Météorologie | Toulouse |
106 | Institut National supérieur des sciences agronomiques, de l'alimentation et de l'environnement | Dijon |
107 | Eurecom | Biot Sophia Antipolis |
108 | École Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort | Maisons-Alfort |
109 | Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard | Belfort ... |
110 | The American University of Paris | Paris |
111 | Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rouen | Saint Etienne du Rouvray |
112 | Montpellier SupAgro | Montpellier |
113 | NEOMA Business School | Rouen |
114 | Kedge Business School | Bordeaux ... |
115 | Audencia Nantes École de Management | Nantes |
116 | TELECOM and Management SudParis | Evry |
117 | École des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux | Albi |
118 | Agrocampus Ouest | Rennes |
119 | Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rennes | Rennes |
120 | École Supérieure d'Informatique, Electronique, Automatique | Paris |
121 | ENSTA ParisTech | Paris |
122 | Université Catholique de l'Ouest | Angers |
123 | Université de Corse Pascal Paoli | Corte |
124 | Université Catholique de Lyon | Lyon |
125 | École Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Caen | Caen |
126 | Université Catholique de Lille | Lille ... |
127 | ECE Paris École d'Ingénieurs | Paris |
128 | L'École de design Nantes Atlantique | Nantes ... |
129 | TELECOM SudParis | Evry |
130 | École normale supérieure de Rennes | Bruz |
131 | École Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales d'Angers | Angers ... |
132 | Toulouse Business School | Toulouse ... |
133 | Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace | Toulouse |
134 | VetAgro Sup | Lyon ... |
135 | Institut Catholique de Paris | Paris |
136 | ENSAE ParisTech | Malakoff |
137 | École d'ingénieurs des Technologies de l'information et de la Communication | Villejuif |
138 | École des Mines d'Alès | Alès |
139 | Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Strasbourg | Strasbourg |
140 | Institut d'Optique Graduate School | Palaiseau ... |
141 | École Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l'alimentation de Nantes-Atlantique | Nantes |
142 | École Spéciale des Travaux Publics, du Bâtiment et de l'Industrie | Paris |
143 | SKEMA Business School | Lille ... |
144 | École Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'Etat | Vaulx-en-Velin |
145 | École des Mines de Douai | Douai |
146 | Institut National Universitaire Champollion | Albi ... |
147 | INSEEC Alpes-Savoie | Le Bourget-du-Lac |
148 | École Nationale Supérieure de l'Electronique et de ses Applications | Cergy Pontoise |
149 | Burgundy School of Business | Dijon |
150 | Université de Nîmes | Nîmes |
151 | Institut Supérieur d'Électronique et du Numérique | Lille |
152 | École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d'Aérotechnique | Futuroscope |
153 | École Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de l'Information | Cergy Pontoise ... |
154 | École Supérieure de Chimie, Physique, Electronique de Lyon | Villeurbanne |
155 | École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Nancy | Nancy |
156 | École Supérieure d'Agriculture d'Angers | Angers |
157 | École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Brest | Plouzané |
158 | École Centrale de Marseille | Marseille |
159 | École Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse | Toulouse |
160 | École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles | Roubaix |
161 | Groupe ICN École de Management | Nancy ... |
162 | Institut Supérieur d'Électronique de Paris | Paris |
163 | École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs en Génie Electrique | Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray ... |
164 | EPF École d'Ingénieurs | Sceaux |
165 | EIL Côte d'Opale | Longuenesse |
166 | École des Mines de Nantes | Nantes |
167 | École Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Analyse de l'information | Bruz ... |
168 | École de Management de Normandie | Le Havre ... |
169 | École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées Bretagne | Brest |
170 | École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tarbes | Tarbes |
171 | Institut Supérieur d'Agriculture et d'Agroalimentaire Rhone-Alpes | Lyon |
172 | École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier | Montpellier |
173 | École Catholique d'Arts et Métiers | Lyon |
174 | École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes | Rennes |
175 | École Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Toulouse | Toulouse ... |
176 | UniLaSalle | Beauvais ... |
177 | Hautes Études d'Ingénieur | Lille |
178 | École Supérieure d'Electronique de l'Ouest | Angers |
179 | École Supérieure des Technologies Industrielles Avancées | Bidart |
180 | École Supérieure des Techniques Aéronautiques et de Construction Automobile | Levallois-Perret ... |
181 | École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Saint-Etienne | Saint-Étienne |
182 | Montpellier Business School | Montpellier |
183 | École Nationale Supérieure de Mécaniques et des Microtechniques | Besançon |
184 | École d'Ingénieurs Généralistes La Rochelle | La Rochelle |
185 | ICAM - Institut Catholiques d'Arts et Métiers | Lille ... |
186 | SIGMA Clermont | Clermont-Ferrand |
187 | École des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris | Paris |
188 | Institut Polytechnique des Sciences Avancées | Ivry sur Seine ... |
189 | Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux | Pessac |
190 | École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Metz | Metz |
191 | École Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique pour l'Industrie et l'Entreprise | Evry |
192 | Supméca - Institut Supérieur de Mécanique | Saint-Ouen |
193 | Groupe ISA | Lille |
194 | IFP School | Rueil-Malmaison |
195 | Esaip École d'Ingénieurs | Angers ... |
196 | TELECOM Lille 1 | Villeneuve d'Ascq |
197 | ESME Sudria | Ivry sur Seine |
198 | École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris | Paris |
199 | ITECH Institut Textile et Chimique de Lyon | Lyon |
200 | École Nationale Supérieure de Céramique Industrielle | Limoges |
201 | École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs Léonard de Vinci | Paris |
202 | École Supérieure du Bois | Nantes |
203 | École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques de Bordeaux-Aquitaine | Gradignan |
204 | Esitpa, École d'Ingénieurs en Agriculture | Mont-Saint-Aignan |
205 | École Supérieure de Commerce de Pau | Pau |
206 | École Supérieure de Chimie Organique et Minérale | Compiègne |
207 | École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille | Villeneuve-d'Ascq ... |
208 | École d'Ingénieurs de Purpan | Toulouse |
209 | France Business School | Brest ... |
210 | École Supérieure d'Ingenieurs en Informatique et Génie des Télécommunications | Villejuif |
211 | Brest Business School | Brest ... |
212 | Institut Catholique de Toulouse | Toulouse |
213 | École Louis de Broglie | Bruz |
214 | Institut National des Sciences Appliquées Centre Val de Loire | Blois ... |
215 | École Supérieure de Commerce de Saint-Etienne | Saint-Étienne |
216 | École des Métiers de l'Environnement | Bruz |
217 | École Nationale Supérieure de la Nature et du Paysage | Blois |
218 | École Supérieure d'Agro-développement International | Cergy Pontoise |
219 | ECAM-EPMI | Cergy-Pontoise |
220 | École Supérieure de Fonderie et de Forge | Sèvres |
221 | École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs des Travaux de la Construction de Caen | Epron |
222 | 3iL École d'ingénieurs | Limoges |
223 | École de Biologie Industrielle | Cergy |
224 | Campus Adventiste du Salève | Collonges-sous-Saleve |
225 | Institut Supérieur des Matériaux et Mécaniques Avancés du Mans | Le Mans |
226 | École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs des Travaux de la Construction de Cachan | Cachan |
227 | École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs des Travaux de la Construction de Metz | Metz |
228 | Institut Supérieur du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics | Marseille |
bmkim 8885 Views
2017 영국 대학 순위 - UK University Ranking
Rank | University | Location |
1 | University of Oxford | Oxford |
2 | University of Cambridge | Cambridge |
3 | University College London | London |
4 | The University of Edinburgh | Edinburgh |
5 | Imperial College London | London |
6 | The London School of Economics and Political Science | London |
7 | University of Glasgow | Glasgow |
8 | The University of Manchester | Manchester |
9 | University of Leeds | Leeds |
10 | The University of Warwick | Coventry |
11 | University of Southampton | Southampton ... |
12 | King's College London | London |
13 | The University of Nottingham | Nottingham ... |
14 | Newcastle University | Newcastle upon Tyne |
15 | The University of York | York |
16 | University of Leicester | Leicester |
17 | Durham University | Durham ... |
18 | University of Bath | Bath |
19 | Queen Mary University of London | London |
20 | University of Surrey | Guildford |
21 | University of Sussex | Brighton |
22 | Lancaster University | Lancaster |
23 | University of Kent | Canterbury ... |
24 | University of St Andrews | St Andrews |
25 | University of Exeter | Exeter |
26 | University of Bristol | Bristol |
27 | University of East Anglia | Norwich |
28 | Queen's University Belfast | Belfast |
29 | The University of Sheffield | Sheffield |
30 | University of Liverpool | Liverpool |
31 | University of Strathclyde | Glasgow |
32 | University of Reading | Reading |
33 | University of Aberdeen | Aberdeen |
34 | Cardiff University | Cardiff |
35 | Loughborough University | Loughborough |
36 | City University London | London |
37 | University of Essex | Colchester ... |
38 | University of the Arts London | London ... |
39 | University of Dundee | Dundee |
40 | University of Birmingham | Birmingham |
41 | Heriot-Watt University | Edinburgh ... |
42 | Brunel University | Uxbridge |
43 | Sheffield Hallam University | Sheffield |
44 | Birkbeck, University of London | London |
45 | De Montfort University | Leicester ... |
46 | Aberystwyth University | Aberystwyth |
47 | University of the West of England | Bristol |
48 | Swansea University | Swansea |
49 | University of Portsmouth | Portsmouth |
50 | SOAS, University of London | London |
51 | Manchester Metropolitan University | Manchester ... |
52 | University of Hertfordshire | Hatfield ... |
53 | Goldsmiths, University of London | London |
54 | Coventry University | Coventry |
55 | Plymouth University | Plymouth |
56 | Bangor University | Bangor |
57 | The University of Hull | Hull ... |
58 | Nottingham Trent University | Nottingham |
59 | University of Salford | Salford ... |
60 | University of Stirling | Stirling ... |
61 | Royal Holloway, University of London | Egham ... |
62 | University of Brighton | Brighton |
63 | University of Greenwich | Greenwich ... |
64 | Cranfield University | Cranfield ... |
65 | University of Westminster | London |
66 | Keele University | Newcastle under Lyme |
67 | University of Central Lancashire | Preston ... |
68 | Kingston University | Kingston upon Thames |
69 | Middlesex University | London |
70 | Edinburgh Napier University | Edinburgh |
71 | Royal College of Art | London |
72 | Birmingham City University | Birmingham |
73 | London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London | London |
74 | Oxford Brookes University | Oxford |
75 | Aston University | Birmingham |
76 | University of Wolverhampton | Wolverhampton |
77 | Anglia Ruskin University | Cambridge ... |
78 | London Business School | London |
79 | Bournemouth University | Poole ... |
80 | London Metropolitan University | London |
81 | University of East London | London ... |
82 | London South Bank University | London ... |
83 | Northumbria University | Newcastle upon Tyne |
84 | University of Lincoln | Lincoln ... |
85 | Ulster University | Coleraine |
86 | University of Derby | Derby |
87 | University of South Wales | Pontypridd ... |
88 | Leeds Beckett University | Leeds ... |
89 | University of London | London |
90 | University of Sunderland | Sunderland |
91 | Robert Gordon University | Aberdeen |
92 | Liverpool John Moores University | Liverpool |
93 | University of Huddersfield | Huddersfield |
94 | Staffordshire University | Stoke-on-Trent ... |
95 | School of Advanced Study, University of London | London |
96 | Teesside University | Middlesbrough |
97 | University of Bedfordshire | Luton ... |
98 | Canterbury Christ Church University | Canterbury ... |
99 | University of the Highlands and Islands | Inverness |
100 | Glasgow Caledonian University | Glasgow |
101 | The University of Northampton | Northampton |
102 | University of Roehampton | Roehampton |
103 | Edge Hill University | Ormskirk ... |
104 | University of Bradford | Bradford |
105 | Glasgow School of Art | Glasgow |
106 | University of Chester | Chester ... |
107 | Bath Spa University | Bath |
108 | Southampton Solent University | Southampton |
109 | Royal Veterinary College University of London | London ... |
110 | University of the West of Scotland | Paisley ... |
111 | Falmouth University | Falmouth |
112 | University of Gloucestershire | Cheltenham ... |
113 | University of West London | Ealing ... |
114 | The Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London | London |
115 | University of Bolton | Bolton |
116 | Royal Academy of Music, University of London | London |
117 | The University of Winchester | Winchester |
118 | St George's, University of London | London |
119 | Royal College of Music | London |
120 | Liverpool Hope University | Liverpool |
121 | University of Cumbria | Carlisle ... |
122 | Queen Margaret University | Edinburgh ... |
123 | Glyndwr University | Wrexham ... |
124 | University of Abertay Dundee | Dundee |
125 | Buckinghamshire New University | High Wycombe |
126 | Cardiff Metropolitan University | Cardiff |
127 | Scotland's Rural College | Edinburgh ... |
128 | Regent's University London | London |
129 | University of Wales Trinity Saint David | Carmarthen ... |
130 | University of Chichester | Chichester |
131 | York St John University | York |
132 | University for the Creative Arts | Canterbury ... |
133 | The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama | London |
134 | The University of Buckingham | Buckingham |
135 | Royal Conservatoire of Scotland | Glasgow |
136 | University of Worcester | Worcester |
137 | Harper Adams University | Newport |
138 | Arts University Bournemouth | Poole |
139 | University of Wales | Cardiff ... |
140 | Newman University | Birmingham |
141 | The University of Law | Guildford ... |
142 | University College Birmingham | Birmingham |
143 | Richmond, The American International University in London | London ... |
144 | University of St Mark and St John | Plymouth |
145 | Leeds Trinity University | Leeds |
146 | Heythrop College, University of London | London |
147 | St Mary's University, Twickenham | Twickenham |
148 | Norwich University of the Arts | Norwich |
149 | Leeds College of Art | Leeds |
150 | Bishop Grosseteste University | Lincoln |
151 | Royal Agricultural University | Cirencester |
152 | Plymouth College of Art | Plymouth |
153 | European School of Economics | London ... |
Un | BPP University | Manchester |
bmkim 6018 Views
2017 독일 대학 순위 - German University Ranking
Rank | University | Location |
1 | Freie Universität Berlin | Berlin |
2 | Universität München | München |
3 | Technische Universität München | München ... |
4 | Universität Heidelberg | Heidelberg |
5 | Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen | Aachen |
6 | Universität Hamburg | Hamburg |
7 | Technische Universität Berlin | Berlin |
8 | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Berlin |
9 | Westfälische Wilhelms-Universitat Münster | Münster |
10 | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn | Bonn |
11 | Universität zu Köln | Köln |
12 | Universität Leipzig | Leipzig |
13 | Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main | Frankfurt am Main |
14 | Karlsruher Institut für Technologie | Karlsruhe |
15 | Universität Freiburg | Freiburg |
16 | Technische Universität Dresden | Dresden |
17 | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | Bochum |
18 | Universität Tübingen | Tübingen |
19 | Universität Stuttgart | Stuttgart |
20 | Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz | Mainz ... |
21 | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | Göttingen |
22 | Leibniz Universität Hannover | Hannover |
23 | Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | Erlangen ... |
24 | Technische Universität Darmstadt | Darmstadt |
25 | Universität Bremen | Bremen |
26 | Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel | Kiel |
27 | Technische Universität Chemnitz | Chemnitz |
28 | Universität Duisburg-Essen | Essen |
29 | Philipps-Universität Marburg | Marburg |
30 | Universität Würzburg | Würzburg |
31 | Universität Bielefeld | Bielefeld |
32 | Universität Regensburg | Regensburg |
33 | Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen | Giessen |
34 | Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | Jena |
35 | Universität Ulm | Ulm |
36 | Technische Universität Kaiserslautern | Kaiserslautern |
37 | Universität Potsdam | Potsdam |
38 | Universität Trier | Trier |
39 | Universität Kassel | Kassel ... |
40 | Universität Konstanz | Konstanz |
41 | Universität des Saarlandes | Saarbrücken |
42 | Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg | Oldenburg |
43 | Universität Mannheim | Mannheim |
44 | Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg | Halle |
45 | Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Düsseldorf | Düsseldorf |
46 | Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin | Berlin |
47 | Universität Bayreuth | Bayreuth |
48 | Universität Paderborn | Paderborn |
49 | Universität Rostock | Rostock |
50 | Technische Universität Dortmund | Dortmund |
51 | FernUniversität in Hagen | Hagen |
52 | Universität Osnabrück | Osnabrück |
53 | Universität Augsburg | Augsburg |
54 | Bergische Universität Wuppertal | Wuppertal |
55 | Universität Siegen | Siegen |
56 | Universität Hohenheim | Stuttgart |
57 | Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg | Magdeburg |
58 | Technische Universität Braunschweig | Braunschweig |
59 | Technische Universität Ilmenau | Ilmenau |
60 | Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald | Greifswald |
61 | Universität Bamberg | Bamberg |
62 | Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg | Hamburg |
63 | Technische Hochschule Köln | Köln ... |
64 | Technische Universität Clausthal | Clausthal-Zellerfeld |
65 | Hochschule Augsburg | Augsburg |
66 | Bauhaus-Universität Weimar | Weimar |
67 | Medizinische Hochschule Hannover | Hannover |
68 | Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg | Hamburg |
69 | Universität der Künste Berlin | Berlin |
70 | Universität Passau | Passau |
71 | Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg | Freiberg |
72 | Leuphana Universität Lüneburg | Lüneburg |
73 | Hochschule Osnabrück | Osnabrück |
74 | Hochschule Furtwangen | Furtwangen ... |
75 | Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin | Berlin |
76 | Fachhochschule Münster | Münster |
77 | Hochschule der Medien | Stuttgart |
78 | Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin | Berlin |
79 | Universität Hildesheim | Hildesheim |
80 | Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln | Köln |
81 | Fachhochschule Dortmund | Dortmund |
82 | Hochschule Hannover | Hannover |
83 | Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig | Leipzig |
84 | Jacobs University Bremen | Bremen |
85 | Hochschule Heilbronn | Heilbronn ... |
86 | Fachhochschule Aachen | Aachen ... |
87 | Universität Koblenz-Landau | Koblenz ... |
88 | Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln | Köln |
89 | Hochschule Esslingen | Esslingen |
90 | Fachhochschule Potsdam | Potsdam |
91 | Hochschule Darmstadt | Darmstadt ... |
92 | Hochschule Bremen | Bremen |
93 | Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences | Frankfurt am Main |
94 | Universität zu Lübeck | Lübeck |
95 | Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden | Dresden |
96 | Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen | Giessen ... |
97 | Universität der Bundeswehr München | Neubiberg |
98 | Fachhochschule Bielefeld | Bielefeld ... |
99 | Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin | Berlin |
100 | Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften München | München |
101 | Universität Witten/Herdecke | Witten ... |
102 | Universität Erfurt | Erfurt |
103 | Fachhochschule für Oekonomie and Management | Essen |
104 | Hochschule Niederrhein | Krefeld ... |
105 | Fachhochschule Kiel | Kiel ... |
106 | Hochschule RheinMain | Wiesbaden |
107 | Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover | Hannover |
108 | Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt | Eichstätt |
109 | Hochschule Konstanz | Konstanz |
110 | Hochschule Pforzheim | Pforzheim |
111 | Hochschule Trier | Trier ... |
112 | Hochschule Anhalt | Köthen |
113 | Hochschule Fulda | Fulda |
114 | Hochschule für Bankwirtschaft Frankfurt am Main | Frankfurt am Main |
115 | Hochschule Wismar | Wismar |
116 | HAWK Hochschule Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen | Hildesheim ... |
117 | Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle | Halle |
118 | Hochschule Karlsruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft | Karlsruhe |
119 | Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg | Ludwigsburg ... |
120 | Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften | Wolfenbüttel ... |
121 | European School of Management and Technology | Berlin |
122 | Helmut-Schmidt-Universität | Hamburg |
123 | Hochschule Kaiserslautern | Kaiserslautern |
124 | Hochschule Merseburg | Merseburg |
125 | Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe | Karlsruhe |
126 | Fachhochschule für Rechtspflege Nordrhein-Westfalen | Bad Münstereifel |
127 | Universität Vechta | Vechta |
128 | Fachhochschule Südwestfalen | Iserlohn |
129 | Hochschule Mittweida | Mittweida |
130 | Fachhochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung Nordrhein-Westfalen | Gelsenkirchen |
131 | Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg | Freiburg |
132 | Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe | Lemgo ... |
133 | Ernst-Abbe-Fachhochschule Jena | Jena |
134 | Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau | Zwickau ... |
135 | Hochschule Fresenius | Idstein |
136 | Technische Hochschule Nürnberg | Nürnberg |
137 | Hochschule Mannheim | Mannheim |
138 | Fachhochschule Erfurt | Erfurt |
139 | Europa-Universität Viadrina | Frankfurt (Oder) ... |
140 | Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf | Freising ... |
141 | Hochschule Offenburg | Offenburg ... |
142 | EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht | Wiesbaden ... |
143 | WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management | Vallendar |
144 | Hochschule Coburg | Coburg |
145 | Fachhochschule Wedel | Wedel |
146 | Fachhochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt | Würzburg ... |
147 | Handelshochschule Leipzig | Leipzig |
148 | Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz | Zittau ... |
149 | Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg | Sankt Augustin ... |
150 | Hochschule Düsseldorf | Düsseldorf |
151 | Hochschule Reutlingen | Reutlingen |
152 | Europa-Universität Flensburg | Flensburg |
153 | Fachhochschule Koblenz | Koblenz ... |
154 | Fachhochschule Stralsund | Stralsund |
155 | Hochschule Flensburg | Flensburg |
156 | Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe | Karlsruhe |
157 | Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg | Heidelberg |
158 | Hochschule Mainz | Mainz |
159 | Hochschule Bremerhaven | Bremerhaven |
160 | Hochschule Rhein-Waal | Kleve ... |
161 | Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten | Weingarten ... |
162 | Hochschule Rosenheim | Rosenheim |
163 | Hertie School of Governance | Berlin |
164 | Technische Hochschule Brandenburg | Brandenburg an der Havel |
165 | Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg | Senftenberg ... |
166 | Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal | Magdeburg ... |
167 | Fachhochschule für Finanzen NRW | Nordkirchen |
168 | Hochschule Bochum | Bochum |
169 | Hochschule für Nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde | Eberswalde |
170 | Hochschule für Musik Saar | Saarbrücken |
171 | Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig | Braunschweig |
172 | Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin | Berlin |
173 | Hochschule für Künste Bremen | Bremen |
174 | Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart | Stuttgart |
175 | Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen | Nürtingen ... |
176 | Bard College Berlin | Berlin |
177 | Fachhochschule Lübeck | Lübeck |
178 | Weissensee Kunsthochschule Berlin | Berlin |
179 | Hochschule Harz | Wernigerode ... |
180 | Ostbayerischen Technischen Hochschule Regensburg | Regensburg |
181 | Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes | Saarbrücken |
182 | HFH Hamburger Fern-Hochschule | Hamburg |
183 | Hochschule für Bildende Künste Hamburg | Hamburg |
184 | Hochschule für Öffentliche Verwaltung Bremen | Bremen |
185 | Zeppelin University | Friedrichshafen |
186 | Westfälische Hochschule | Gelsenkirchen |
187 | Hochschule Emden/Leer | Emden |
188 | Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig | Leipzig |
189 | Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf | Potsdam |
190 | Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft | Alfter |
191 | Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin | Berlin |
192 | Hochschule Neubrandenburg | Neubrandenburg |
193 | Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart | Stuttgart |
194 | Technische Hochschule Deggendorf | Deggendorf ... |
195 | Hochschule Schmalkalden | Schmalkalden |
196 | Hochschule Ulm | Ulm |
197 | Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach am Main | Offenbach |
198 | Folkwang Universität der Künste | Essen ... |
199 | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt | Ingolstadt |
200 | Pädagogische Hochschule Schwäbisch Gmünd | Schwäbisch Gmünd |
201 | Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart | Stuttgart |
202 | Jade Hochschule | Wilhelmshaven ... |
203 | SRH Hochschule Heidelberg | Heidelberg |
204 | Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden | Amberg |
205 | Technische Hochschule Wildau | Wildau |
206 | TH Bingen | Bingen |
207 | Bucerius Law School | Hamburg |
208 | Macromedia Hochschule für Medien und Kommunikation | München |
209 | Hochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig | Leipzig |
210 | Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden | Dresden |
211 | IUBH School of Business and Management | Bad Honnef ... |
212 | Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt Weimar | Weimar |
213 | Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler | Berlin |
214 | Kunstakademie Düsseldorf | Düsseldorf |
215 | Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover | Hannover |
216 | Hochschule Landshut | Landshut |
217 | Nordakademie Hochschule der Wirtschaft | Elmshorn |
218 | Mediadesign Hochschule | Berlin |
219 | Hochschule Kempten | Kempten |
220 | AKAD Privathochschulen | Pinneberg ... |
221 | Hochschule Aalen | Aalen |
222 | Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft | Paderborn ... |
223 | International School of Management | Dortmund ... |
224 | Katholische Hochschule Nordrhein-Westfalen | Köln ... |
225 | Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd | Schwäbisch Gmünd |
226 | HafenCity Universität Hamburg | Hamburg |
227 | Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten | Weingarten |
228 | Evangelischen Hochschule Rheinland-Westfalen-Lippe | Bochum |
229 | Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber | Dresden |
230 | Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg | Hamburg |
231 | Hochschule Nordhausen | Nordhausen |
232 | Hochschule Neu-Ulm | Neu-Ulm |
233 | Hochschule Worms | Worms |
234 | Hochschule Hof | Hof |
235 | Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main | Frankfurt am Main |
236 | Katholische Stiftungsfachhochschule München | München ... |
237 | Merz Akademie | Stuttgart |
238 | BiTS - Business and Information Technology School | Iserlohn |
239 | Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen | Sigmaringen |
240 | Hochschule für Musik und Theater Rostock | Rostock |
241 | Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste - Städelschule | Frankfurt am Main |
242 | Europäische Fernhochschule Hamburg | Hamburg |
243 | Hochschule Biberach | Biberach |
244 | Musikhochschule Lübeck | Lübeck |
245 | Fachhochschule Westküste | Heide ... |
246 | Berliner Technische Kunsthochschule | Berlin |
247 | Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen | Trossingen |
248 | Hochschule für Musik Detmold | Detmold |
249 | Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln | Köln |
250 | Karlshochschule International University | Karlsruhe |
251 | Hochschule für Musik Freiburg | Freiburg |
252 | Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola | Bochum |
253 | Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Mannheim | Mannheim |
254 | Europäische Fachhochschule | Brühl ... |
255 | Cologne Business School | Köln |
256 | Akademie der Bildenden Künste München | München |
257 | Hochschule Aschaffenburg | Aschaffenburg |
258 | Hochschule für Philosophie | München |
259 | Hochschule Ruhr West | Mülheim an der Ruhr |
260 | Hochschule Ansbach | Ansbach |
261 | Hochschule für Gesundheit | Bochum |
262 | Hochschule Geisenheim | Geisenheim |
263 | Private Hochschule Göttingen | Göttingen ... |
264 | SRH Fernhochschule Riedlingen | Riedlingen |
265 | Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe | Karlsruhe |
266 | Hochschule für Musik Würzburg | Würzburg |
267 | Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf | Düsseldorf |
268 | Katholische Hochschule für Sozialwesen Berlin | Berlin |
269 | Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch | Berlin |
270 | Hochschule für Telekommunikation Leipzig | Leipzig |
271 | Fachhochschule des Mittelstands | Bielefeld |
272 | Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt | Hamm |
274 | design akademie berlin | Berlin |
275 | Deutsche Universität für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer | Speyer |
276 | Akademie der Bildenden Künste Nürnberg | Nürnberg |
277 | Theologische Hochschule Friedensau | Möckern OT Friedensau |
278 | Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar | Saarbrücken |
279 | ESMOD Internationale Kunsthochschule für Mode | Berlin ... |
280 | SRH Hochschule Berlin | Berlin |
281 | Hochschule für Musik und Theater München | München |
282 | Muthesius Kunsthochschule | Kiel |
283 | Hochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung Kehl | Kehl |
284 | Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Vallendar | Vallendar |
285 | Evangelische Hochschule Dresden | Dresden |
286 | Hochschule für angewandtes Management | Erding ... |
287 | EBC Hochschule | Hamburg ... |
288 | Kunstakademie Münster | Münster |
289 | Hochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung und Finanzen Ludwigsburg | Ludwigsburg |
290 | Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden | Dresden |
291 | Evangelische Hochschule Freiburg | Freiburg |
292 | Hochschule für Jüdische Studien | Heidelberg |
293 | Evangelische Fachhochschule Darmstadt | Darmstadt ... |
294 | Evangelische Hochschule Berlin | Berlin |
295 | Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen | Frankfurt am Main |
296 | Evangelische Fachhochschule Nürnberg | Nürnberg |
297 | Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln | Köln |
298 | Katholische Hochschule Freiburg | Freiburg |
299 | Hochschule für Musik Nürnberg | Nürnberg |
300 | Kühne Logistics University | Hamburg |
301 | IUBH Duales Studium | Erfurt ... |
302 | Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München | München |
303 | Augustana-Hochschule | Neuendettelsau |
304 | Fachhochschule des Bundes für öffentliche Verwaltung | Brühl |
305 | Hamburg School of Business Administration | Hamburg |
306 | Akademie Mode and Design GmbH | Hamburg |
307 | Privaten Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Technik | Vechta ... |
308 | Hochschule Ludwigshafen am Rhein | Ludwigshafen |
309 | hochschule 21 | Buxtehude |
310 | Munich Business School | München |
311 | Evangelische Fachhochschule Ludwigsburg | Ludwigsburg |
312 | Katholische Hochschule Mainz | Mainz |
313 | nta Hochschule Isny | Isny im Allgäu |
314 | German Graduate School of Management and Law | Heilbronn |
315 | Quadriga Hochschule Berlin | Berlin |
316 | Hochschule für Kunst, Design und Populäre Musik Freiburg | Freiburg im Breisgau |
317 | bbw Hochschule | Berlin |
318 | Hochschule für Medien, Kommunikation und Wirtschaft | Berlin |
319 | EBZ Business School | Bochum |
320 | IST-Hochschule für Management | Düsseldorf |
321 | International Psychoanalytic University | Berlin |
322 | Deutsche Universität für Weiterbildung | Berlin |
323 | SRH Hochschule für Logistik und Wirtschaft | Hamm |
324 | Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe | Karlsruhe ... |
325 | Hochschule der Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe | Bonn |
326 | Fachhochschule der Diakonie | Bielefeld |
327 | Kirchliche Hochschule Wuppertal/Bethel | Wuppertal ... |
328 | Provadis Hochschule | Frankfurt am Main |
329 | Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Münster | Münster |
330 | Hochschule für Künste im Sozialen Ottersberg | Ottersberg |
331 | Hochschule für Forstwirtschaft Rottenburg | Rottenburg am Neckar ... |
332 | Hochschule der Bundesagentur für Arbeit | Mannheim |
333 | Hochschule Weserbergland | Hameln |
334 | SRH Hochschule Calw | Calw |
335 | Touro College Berlin | Berlin ... |
336 | SRH Fachhochschule für Gesundheit Gera | Gera |
337 | Fachhochschule Schwetzingen | Mannheim |
338 | Hochschule der populären Künste FH | Berlin |
339 | Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Benediktbeuern | Benediktbeuern |
340 | Medical School Hamburg | Hamburg |
341 | Hochschule für Kirchenmusik Herford | Herford |
342 | Duale Hochschule Gera-Eisenach | Gera ... |
343 | Evangelische Hochschule für Kirchenmusik | Halle |
344 | Hochschule für Wirtschaft, Technik und Kultur | Berlin |
345 | Hochschule für Kunsttherapie Nürtingen | Nürtingen |
346 | Evangelische Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit und Diakonie | Hamburg |
347 | Hochschule für internationale Wirtschaft und Logistik | Bremen |
348 | Fachhochschule für die Wirtschaft Hannover | Hannover |
349 | Psychologische Hochschule Berlin | Berlin |
350 | Theologische Hochschule Reutlingen | Reutlingen |
351 | BSP Business School Berlin | Berlin ... |
352 | Medizinische Hochschule Brandenburg | Neuruppin |
353 | Fliedner Fachhochschule Düsseldorf | Düsseldorf |
354 | Hochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung Rheinland-Pfalz | Mayen |
355 | Hochschule Neuss für Internationale Wirtschaft | Neuss |
356 | Freie Theologische Hochschule Giessen | Giessen |
357 | H:G Hochschule für Gesundheit und Sport | Berlin |
358 | DEKRA Hochschule Berlin | Berlin |
359 | praxisHochschule Campus Rheine | Rheine |
360 | Leibniz-Fachhochschule | Hannover |
361 | Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule SVD St. Augustin | Sankt Augustin |
362 | Fachhochschule Dresden | Dresden |
363 | MSB Medical School Berlin | Berlin |
364 | Hochschule für Katholische Kirchenmusik und Musikpädagogik | Regensburg |
365 | Lutherische Theologische Hochschule | Oberursel |
366 | IB-Hochschule Berlin | Berlin ... |
367 | Wilhelm Löhe Hochschule | Fürth |
368 | Hochschule der Wirtschaft für Management | Mannheim |
369 | Hochschule für Evangelische Kirchenmusik Bayreuth | Bayreuth |
370 | Hochschule für Finanzen und Landesfinanzschule | Edenkoben |
371 | ISS International Business School of Service Management | Hamburg |
372 | Hochschule der Deutschen Bundesbank | Hachenburg |
373 | Fachhochschule für Sport und Management Potsdam | Potsdam |
374 | Brand Academy - Hochschule für Design und Kommunikation | Hamburg |
375 | VWA-Hochschule für berufsbegleitendes Studium | Stuttgart ... |
376 | DPFA Hochschule Sachsen | Zwickau |
377 | Euro Business College Hamburg | Hamburg |
Un | akkon Hochschule | Berlin |
bmkim 6363 Views
지난 가을 열심히 감량을 해보고자 구입했던 갸쿠소우의 의류와 신발들...
사실 티셔츠, 모자, 팬츠도 더 있고,
신발은 평소대로 265를 구입했는데 터무니 없이 작고,
다시 봄이 되었으니 열심히 운동 욕구를 불태워보자라는 생각에...
어디선가 들려오는 갸쿠소우 발매 소식!!
이번 제품은 러닝에 최적화 되어있기로 유명한 페가수스 35 터보와의 콜라보 제품으로,
색감이 정말 끝내줍니다.
골드 다트/페일 아이보리-아이언 그레이 컬러가 섞인 제품이고,
사이즈는 평소대로 US8.5(265)를 구입했더니 딱 좋습니다.
슬라이드 박스로 되어있고, 간만에 박스부터 완성도가 느껴지는 나이키 제품입니다.
측면에는 갸쿠소우의 로고가 프린트되어있고,
속지에도 갸쿠소우 프린트가 되어있습니다.
디테일 최고!!
패키지부터 맘에 들고, 제품의 완성도 자체도 좋습니다.
물론 20만원대 중반에 육박하는 값어치를 해야하는게 당연하지만
요즘 나이키 제품들 엉망으로 만들고, 비싸게 판매하는 경우가 허다하죠.
아무튼 슈레이스를 고정하는 부분에 스카치가 적용되어 있습니다.
갸쿠소우를 연상하면 떠오르는 컬러 다크그린, 옐로우, 버건디, 그레이, 블랙이 조화롭게 배치되어 있습니다.
끈을 묶고, 풀기 편한 구조로 되어있습니다.
조만간 보아다이얼이 들어간 제품으로 출시하지 않을까 하는 생각을 해봤습니다.
인솔의 갸쿠소우 프린팅.
발에 맞게 신발끈을 당겨서 고정하고,
남은 부분은 우측사진의 고리로, 슈레이스가 시작하는 부분에 고정합니다.
실제 러닝 시, 덜렁덜렁 하는 일은 드물 것 같고,
덜렁덜렁 한다고 하더라도, 큰 간섭은 없을 듯 하네요.
굉장히 공격적인 실루엣입니다.
측면에 들어간 그래픽도 그러하고, 신발의 전체적인 이미지가 유기체 같은 느낌을 줍니다.
당연히 뒷부분에도 반사소재를 사용했습니다.
공기역학(=Aero Dynamics)는 자동차를 좋아하시거나 자전거를 즐기는 분들이면 자주 접하는 용어일텐데요,
일반적인 신발과 다르게 뒷부분을 이렇게 날렵하게 디자인하면
와류가 발생하는 것을 방지하여 러닝 시 기록향상에 도움을 줄 수 있습니다.
다만, 1/100초로 순위를 판가름하는 선수들의 세계에서만 적용이 가능하겠죠??
ZOOMX는 어떤 특징이 있는 에어유닛인지 모르겠으나
신발을 처음 들었을 때, 보기와는 다르게 가벼운 무게에 놀라고,
착용을 했을 때, 엄청 편한 착용감과 쿠셔닝에 놀랐습니다.
아웃솔은 플라이니트 트레이너와 비슷한 디자인&구조로 되어있는 것 같습니다.
신발의 안쪽 부분 입니다.
플라이와이어가 적용되어있지 않은 것으로 보여 내부를 봤더니
슈레이스를 고정하는 가죽소재 부분의 연장으로, 갈비살같은 디자인이 들어가 있어
착용 후, 신발끈을 적당히 조이면 이 갈비살(?)부분이 발을 잘 잡아줍니다.
멋있는 만큼 디테일과 기능성도 꼼꼼하게 잘 챙겨 만든 제품인 것 같네요.
구입이 굉장히 어려울 것 같아 포기하고 있었는데
우연하게 들어가본 나이키 공식홈페이지에 사이즈가 남아있어 얼른 구입했습니다.
그나마 시간과 공간의 제약 없이 할 수 있는 운동이 뜀박질인데
미세먼지 때문에 야외활동이 심히 걱정되네요.
아무튼 모두들 건강 잘 챙기시고, 즐거운 한 주 보내세요!!
지난 가을 열심히 감량을 해보고자 구입했던 갸쿠소우의 의류와 신발들...
사실 티셔츠, 모자, 팬츠도 더 있고,
신발은 평소대로 265를 구입했는데 터무니 없이 작고,
다시 봄이 되었으니 열심히 운동 욕구를 불태워보자라는 생각에...
어디선가 들려오는 갸쿠소우 발매 소식!!
이번 제품은 러닝에 최적화 되어있기로 유명한 페가수스 35 터보와의 콜라보 제품으로,
색감이 정말 끝내줍니다.
골드 다트/페일 아이보리-아이언 그레이 컬러가 섞인 제품이고,
사이즈는 평소대로 US8.5(265)를 구입했더니 딱 좋습니다.
슬라이드 박스로 되어있고, 간만에 박스부터 완성도가 느껴지는 나이키 제품입니다.
측면에는 갸쿠소우의 로고가 프린트되어있고,
속지에도 갸쿠소우 프린트가 되어있습니다.
디테일 최고!!
패키지부터 맘에 들고, 제품의 완성도 자체도 좋습니다.
물론 20만원대 중반에 육박하는 값어치를 해야하는게 당연하지만
요즘 나이키 제품들 엉망으로 만들고, 비싸게 판매하는 경우가 허다하죠.
아무튼 슈레이스를 고정하는 부분에 스카치가 적용되어 있습니다.
갸쿠소우를 연상하면 떠오르는 컬러 다크그린, 옐로우, 버건디, 그레이, 블랙이 조화롭게 배치되어 있습니다.
끈을 묶고, 풀기 편한 구조로 되어있습니다.
조만간 보아다이얼이 들어간 제품으로 출시하지 않을까 하는 생각을 해봤습니다.
인솔의 갸쿠소우 프린팅.
발에 맞게 신발끈을 당겨서 고정하고,
남은 부분은 우측사진의 고리로, 슈레이스가 시작하는 부분에 고정합니다.
실제 러닝 시, 덜렁덜렁 하는 일은 드물 것 같고,
덜렁덜렁 한다고 하더라도, 큰 간섭은 없을 듯 하네요.
굉장히 공격적인 실루엣입니다.
측면에 들어간 그래픽도 그러하고, 신발의 전체적인 이미지가 유기체 같은 느낌을 줍니다.
당연히 뒷부분에도 반사소재를 사용했습니다.
공기역학(=Aero Dynamics)는 자동차를 좋아하시거나 자전거를 즐기는 분들이면 자주 접하는 용어일텐데요,
일반적인 신발과 다르게 뒷부분을 이렇게 날렵하게 디자인하면
와류가 발생하는 것을 방지하여 러닝 시 기록향상에 도움을 줄 수 있습니다.
다만, 1/100초로 순위를 판가름하는 선수들의 세계에서만 적용이 가능하겠죠??
ZOOMX는 어떤 특징이 있는 에어유닛인지 모르겠으나
신발을 처음 들었을 때, 보기와는 다르게 가벼운 무게에 놀라고,
착용을 했을 때, 엄청 편한 착용감과 쿠셔닝에 놀랐습니다.
아웃솔은 플라이니트 트레이너와 비슷한 디자인&구조로 되어있는 것 같습니다.
신발의 안쪽 부분 입니다.
플라이와이어가 적용되어있지 않은 것으로 보여 내부를 봤더니
슈레이스를 고정하는 가죽소재 부분의 연장으로, 갈비살같은 디자인이 들어가 있어
착용 후, 신발끈을 적당히 조이면 이 갈비살(?)부분이 발을 잘 잡아줍니다.
멋있는 만큼 디테일과 기능성도 꼼꼼하게 잘 챙겨 만든 제품인 것 같네요.
구입이 굉장히 어려울 것 같아 포기하고 있었는데
우연하게 들어가본 나이키 공식홈페이지에 사이즈가 남아있어 얼른 구입했습니다.
그나마 시간과 공간의 제약 없이 할 수 있는 운동이 뜀박질인데
미세먼지 때문에 야외활동이 심히 걱정되네요.
아무튼 모두들 건강 잘 챙기시고, 즐거운 한 주 보내세요!!
bmkim 5592 Views
연봉탐색기 2019 사용방법
과연 1668만 명의 근로자들 중에서 내 연봉 순위는 어떻게 되는지 그리고 내 연봉에 맞는 세테크 방법은 무엇인지 한국납세자 연맹이 알려주는 팁을 알아보겠습니다.
연봉탐색기를 이용하면 9가지의 정보를 한 번에 확인할 수 있습니다.
나의 연봉 순위
세금 등을 제외한 내 연봉 실수령액
연봉에서 빠져나간 공제 항목 분포와 금액
현재 내 연봉에서 100만 원 인상되었을 때 나의 몫
소득공제 증가 시 내 환급액은 증가액
세율이 한 단계 상승하는 나의 연봉액
신용카드 공제 문턱 및 카드 공제를 최대한 받기 위한 나의 지출액
종교단체와 기타 지정기부금 최고한도
의료비 공제 문턱과 의료비 최고한도를 받기 위한 지출액
기본적으로 연봉탐색기는 2017년에 김승희 국회의원이 국정감사때 국민보험공단으로부터 받은 자료를 토대로 만들어진 프로그램입니다.
그리고 이번 2019년은 이 자료를 토대로 근로자의 연봉데이터를 추가 업데이트하여 재 프로그래밍 되었습니다.
핸드폰 어플 연봉계산기 - 실수령액 계산기를 다운로드하면 손쉽게 사용이 가능합니다.
해당 어플을 다운로드해 연봉탐색기 기능을 사용하면 자신의 순위를 확인이 가능합니다.
기본적으로 납세자 연맹을 통해 자신의 순위를 확인하기 위해서는 공인인증서가 필요하며 본인인증을 위한 핸드폰 인증이 필요합니다.
핸드폰 어플을 이용하면 회원가입 없이 간단한 정보만을 확인할 수 있습니다.
연봉 3천만 원 기준으로 부양가족수와 자녀 수만을 입력 후 급여계산을 눌러봅니다.
그럼 선택된 퇴직금 별도로 했을 때의 국민보험과 건강보험 장기 요양 등 다양한 정보를 확인할 수 있습니다.
지금 현재 홈페이지의 경우 많은 인원이 트래픽이 모여 홈페이지로는 확인이 불가능하니 미리 알아두었다가 확인해보시길 바랍니다
아니면 인터넷 창에 납세자 연맹 홈페이지로 접속해서도 확인이 가능합니다.
이를 통해 자신의 연봉 순위뿐만 아니라 한계세율을 계산을 통해 소득공제가 늘어나면 환급액이 왜 증가하는지에 대해서도 알 수 있습니다.
이를 통해 2019년도 연말정산에서도 도움이 될 수 있으며 자신의 연봉에 맞는 신용카드나 기부금 의료비 공제 한도 등을 확인할 수 있습니다.
연봉탐색기 2019 사용방법
과연 1668만 명의 근로자들 중에서 내 연봉 순위는 어떻게 되는지 그리고 내 연봉에 맞는 세테크 방법은 무엇인지 한국납세자 연맹이 알려주는 팁을 알아보겠습니다.
연봉탐색기를 이용하면 9가지의 정보를 한 번에 확인할 수 있습니다.
나의 연봉 순위
세금 등을 제외한 내 연봉 실수령액
연봉에서 빠져나간 공제 항목 분포와 금액
현재 내 연봉에서 100만 원 인상되었을 때 나의 몫
소득공제 증가 시 내 환급액은 증가액
세율이 한 단계 상승하는 나의 연봉액
신용카드 공제 문턱 및 카드 공제를 최대한 받기 위한 나의 지출액
종교단체와 기타 지정기부금 최고한도
의료비 공제 문턱과 의료비 최고한도를 받기 위한 지출액
기본적으로 연봉탐색기는 2017년에 김승희 국회의원이 국정감사때 국민보험공단으로부터 받은 자료를 토대로 만들어진 프로그램입니다.
그리고 이번 2019년은 이 자료를 토대로 근로자의 연봉데이터를 추가 업데이트하여 재 프로그래밍 되었습니다.
핸드폰 어플 연봉계산기 - 실수령액 계산기를 다운로드하면 손쉽게 사용이 가능합니다.
해당 어플을 다운로드해 연봉탐색기 기능을 사용하면 자신의 순위를 확인이 가능합니다.
기본적으로 납세자 연맹을 통해 자신의 순위를 확인하기 위해서는 공인인증서가 필요하며 본인인증을 위한 핸드폰 인증이 필요합니다.
핸드폰 어플을 이용하면 회원가입 없이 간단한 정보만을 확인할 수 있습니다.
연봉 3천만 원 기준으로 부양가족수와 자녀 수만을 입력 후 급여계산을 눌러봅니다.
그럼 선택된 퇴직금 별도로 했을 때의 국민보험과 건강보험 장기 요양 등 다양한 정보를 확인할 수 있습니다.
지금 현재 홈페이지의 경우 많은 인원이 트래픽이 모여 홈페이지로는 확인이 불가능하니 미리 알아두었다가 확인해보시길 바랍니다
아니면 인터넷 창에 납세자 연맹 홈페이지로 접속해서도 확인이 가능합니다.
이를 통해 자신의 연봉 순위뿐만 아니라 한계세율을 계산을 통해 소득공제가 늘어나면 환급액이 왜 증가하는지에 대해서도 알 수 있습니다.
이를 통해 2019년도 연말정산에서도 도움이 될 수 있으며 자신의 연봉에 맞는 신용카드나 기부금 의료비 공제 한도 등을 확인할 수 있습니다.
bmkim 4102 Views
연봉탐색기 2019
연봉탐색기는 2017년에 시작되었고
연봉탐색기 2019가 오픈했다.
한국납세자연맹 연봉탐색기 2019
서비스가 시작되면서
네티즌이 한꺼번에 몰리는 현상이 발생했다.
연봉탐색기 2019란?
전체 근로자 사이에서
자신의 연봉 순위를 알려주는 서비스이다.
네티즌 중 일부는 자신의 순위에
“이게 뭐라고 자괴감이 든다”며 볼멘소리를 했다.평소에도 알고 있었지만,
실제로 순위로 확인하고 나니
더욱 절망적이라며 자신의 처지를
비관하기도 했다.
일부에서는 자신의 순위를 확인하는 동시에
세금 절약까지 도와준다며
연봉탐색기 2019의 순기능에
만족스러움을 드러냈다.
자괴감이 드는 네티즌들의 마음을 이해한다.
순위를 확인하면,
나 역시도 자괴감에 빠질 것 같다.
이 조차도 확인 할 수 없는 청년들을 생각하면,
마음이 불편하다.
OECD 국가들의 청년실업률은
매년 떨어지고 있는데,
우리나라는 그 반대로 역행하고 있으니 말이다.
청년이 나라의 미래라는 건 두말할 필요가 없다.
그런데 문제는 이 청년의 미래가
현재 대단히 불투명하다.
우리사회에는 몇 해 전부터
청년세대를 지칭하는 말로
‘삼포(연애ㆍ결혼ㆍ출산 포기) 세대’,
‘사포(삼포 + 취업 준비로 인한 인간관계 포기) 세대’,
‘오포(사포 + 내 집 마련 포기) 세대’라는
말이 유행해 왔다.
청년의 암울한 현실을 드러내는 표현이다.
이러한 청년세대의 고통은
기성세대의 책임이 작지 않고,
청년실업에서 기성세대는 면책되지 않는다.
세계화 시대에 좋은 일자리를
만들기 어렵더라도,
다른 나라에서 볼 수 있듯
대응하기 나름이라고 생각한다.
‘청년이 죽으면 민족이 죽는다’
도산 안창호
연봉탐색기 2019
연봉탐색기는 2017년에 시작되었고
연봉탐색기 2019가 오픈했다.
한국납세자연맹 연봉탐색기 2019
서비스가 시작되면서
네티즌이 한꺼번에 몰리는 현상이 발생했다.
연봉탐색기 2019란?
전체 근로자 사이에서
자신의 연봉 순위를 알려주는 서비스이다.
네티즌 중 일부는 자신의 순위에
“이게 뭐라고 자괴감이 든다”며 볼멘소리를 했다.평소에도 알고 있었지만,
실제로 순위로 확인하고 나니
더욱 절망적이라며 자신의 처지를
비관하기도 했다.
일부에서는 자신의 순위를 확인하는 동시에
세금 절약까지 도와준다며
연봉탐색기 2019의 순기능에
만족스러움을 드러냈다.
자괴감이 드는 네티즌들의 마음을 이해한다.
순위를 확인하면,
나 역시도 자괴감에 빠질 것 같다.
이 조차도 확인 할 수 없는 청년들을 생각하면,
마음이 불편하다.
OECD 국가들의 청년실업률은
매년 떨어지고 있는데,
우리나라는 그 반대로 역행하고 있으니 말이다.
청년이 나라의 미래라는 건 두말할 필요가 없다.
그런데 문제는 이 청년의 미래가
현재 대단히 불투명하다.
우리사회에는 몇 해 전부터
청년세대를 지칭하는 말로
‘삼포(연애ㆍ결혼ㆍ출산 포기) 세대’,
‘사포(삼포 + 취업 준비로 인한 인간관계 포기) 세대’,
‘오포(사포 + 내 집 마련 포기) 세대’라는
말이 유행해 왔다.
청년의 암울한 현실을 드러내는 표현이다.
이러한 청년세대의 고통은
기성세대의 책임이 작지 않고,
청년실업에서 기성세대는 면책되지 않는다.
세계화 시대에 좋은 일자리를
만들기 어렵더라도,
다른 나라에서 볼 수 있듯
대응하기 나름이라고 생각한다.
‘청년이 죽으면 민족이 죽는다’
도산 안창호
bmkim 3992 Views